Fashion Landing Page Templates to Launch Your Brand

published on 06 July 2023

As an entrepreneur in the fashion industry, you know how critical it is to have an online presence that reflects your brand. Your website is the digital storefront for your business and often the first impression for potential customers. Using a template tailored for the fashion industry ensures your landing page resonates with visitors and converts them into loyal customers.

Why You Need a Fashion Landing Page

As an emerging fashion brand, having a stylish yet functional landing page is crucial to making a good first impression and converting visitors into customers or subscribers. Here are a few reasons why you need a dedicated fashion landing page:

  • Showcase your brand esthetic. A landing page allows you to present your brand's visual identity, including your logo, color palette, fonts, and the overall look and feel of your label. This helps establish your brand positioning and build familiarity with your target audience.
  • Highlight your products. Use large, high-quality product images along with clear descriptions to feature your latest collections or hero products. Make it easy for people to browse your range and see what you have to offer at a glance.
  • Build your mailing list. Include an email signup form prominently on your landing page so people can subscribe to your newsletter or mailing list. This allows you to market to potential customers repeatedly and keep your brand in their minds.
  • Drive sales. For ecommerce fashion brands, a landing page should make it simple for visitors to shop your products. Include 'Shop Now' buttons, links to product pages, or even enable purchases directly on the landing page. The easier you make it to buy, the more sales you'll generate.
  • Share your story. Help visitors connect with your brand by giving them an overview of how and why you started your fashion label. Share details about your background, design philosophy, studio, or manufacturing process. This narrative humanizes your brand and gives people a reason to support you.

In summary, an effective fashion landing page is the digital first impression of your brand. By showcasing your products, brand identity, and story, you'll turn casual visitors into lifelong customers and fans. With the right landing page, your fashion empire is only just beginning.

Unicorn Platform: The Best Landing Page Builder for Fashion Brands

As a fashion brand, your landing page is your digital storefront and the first impression for many potential customers. To convert visitors into loyal customers, your landing page must effectively communicate your brand identity and showcase your products.

Unicorn Platform provides fashion brands with beautiful, professional landing page templates that are optimized for ecommerce and designed to resonate with fashion-forward audiences. Our drag and drop builder makes it easy to create a stylish landing page in minutes without any coding required.

  • A curated collection of modern templates featuring full-width hero images, eye-catching font pairings, and bold colors on trend with the latest fashion styles. Choose a template for apparel, footwear, or accessories and customize it to match your brand.
  • Add high-quality product images in a gallery layout. Unicorn Platform integrates with your product catalog to automatically import images, descriptions, and pricing.
  • Include social proof like customer reviews, influencer collaborations, or press features to build trust and credibility. Showcase your brand story and visual identity using logo, fonts, and brand colors.
  • Optimize your landing page for mobile devices and speed. Unicorn Platform generates a fast, responsive landing page that provides an excellent user experience on any screen size.
  • Seamless integration with payment platforms like PayPal and Stripe to accept customer payments directly on your landing page.

For an effortless, affordable landing page tailored to fashion brands, choose Unicorn Platform. Our simple yet powerful builder helps you create a gorgeous digital destination where style meets ecommerce. Launch your brand in style with Unicorn Platform.

Choosing Fashion Landing Page Templates on Unicorn Platform

When choosing fashion landing page templates on Unicorn Platform, several factors should be considered to find options suitable for your brand.

Style Options

Unicorn Platform offers landing page templates in a range of styles to match your brand esthetic. Options include:

  • Minimalist: Clean, simple designs with plenty of white space. Ideal for contemporary fashion brands.
  • Bold: Distinctive templates with bright colors, large type, and eye-catching graphics. Suited for edgier or statement brands.
  • Vintage: Retro-inspired templates with art deco elements, script typefaces, and a warm color palette. Complementary for bohemian or nostalgic fashion brands.
  • Elegant: Sophisticated templates with a polished appearance, luxe typography, and a neutral color scheme. Appropriate for premium or formal fashion brands.

Customization Features

You will want to choose fashion landing page templates that provide flexible customization to align the page with your brand identity. Look for templates that offer:

  1. Image upload - So you can add photos of your fashion products or brand logo
  2. Font selection - To choose typefaces that match your brand style
  3. Color selection - To pick colors from your brand palette for the template background, text, buttons, etc.
  4. Section reordering - To organize page sections to best suit your priorities and customer journey
  5. Section deletion - To remove any default sections not needed for your particular fashion landing page

Mobile-Friendly Templates

With the majority of web traffic now coming from mobile devices, you must select fashion landing page templates optimized for mobile viewing. Check that template previews and demos display well on mobile, with:

  • Large tap targets (buttons, links, etc.)
  • Minimal horizontal scrolling
  • A layout with sections and content prioritized for small screens
  • Fast load times even with image-heavy templates

By assessing style, customization options, and mobile-friendliness, you can choose fashion landing page templates on Unicorn Platform well-matched to represent your brand and engage your customers. With a bit of customizing, you'll have a landing page unique to your brand ready to launch quickly.

Customizing Your Fashion Landing Page
Customizing Your Fashion Landing Page

Customizing Your Fashion Landing Page

Customizing your fashion landing page is key to conveying your brand image and attracting potential customers. A polished, professional landing page makes a strong first impression and inspires confidence in your company.

Choose a Suitable Template

Unicorn Platform offers designer-made templates tailored for the fashion industry. Browse the options to find one that aligns with your brand’s visual style and identity. Templates feature product galleries, email signup forms, company story sections, and more. Select a template that showcases what makes your brand unique.

Upload Your Logo and Brand Assets

Your logo is the face of your company and should be prominently displayed at the top of your landing page. Upload your logo and brand colors to create a cohesive look across your site. Add brand imagery like product photos or behind-the-scenes shots to visually represent your company culture and values.

Share Your Brand Story

Tell visitors about your company’s mission and origins. Describe what differentiates your products and company vision. Sharing the story behind your brand helps to build an emotional connection with potential customers. Keep your story concise while highlighting key milestones and motivations.

Display Your Product Collection

A fashion landing page should prominently feature visuals of your products. Upload photos of your latest collection to entice visitors. Group similar products together and provide details on materials, sizes, and pricing. Make sure images are high-quality and show each product in an esthetically pleasing way.

Offer an Email Signup

Encourage visitors to join your mailing list so you can continue to engage them after they leave your site. Check out our article on the easy way to create fashion landing pages for tips on how to create an eye-catching landing page that makes a professional first impression. A polished landing page, combined with a cohesive brand story and high-quality product images, inspires trust and confidence in your company. Continually optimizing your landing page and updating it with each new collection will keep visitors engaged and coming back.

Adding Your Logo and Brand Colors

Adding a custom logo and brand colors are two of the easiest ways to make your fashion landing page unique to your brand. By following a few simple steps, you can incorporate your logo and select a color palette that aligns with your brand identity.

Uploading Your Logo

Your logo is a visual representation of your brand and helps create brand recognition for visitors. To add your logo to the page:

  1. Click the “Edit” button on the page to open the page editor.
  2. Select the “Add block” option and choose “Image” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click the “Upload” button and select your logo file from your computer. Your logo should be a high-quality .PNG, .JPG or .SVG file.
  4. Resize and reposition the logo as needed using the editor tools. Place the logo at the top of the page for optimal visibility.

Choosing Your Brand Colors

Consistent use of your brand colors helps to create a cohesive brand experience for visitors. To set your brand colors:

  • Select the “Styles” option from the left sidebar in the page editor.
  • Click the color wheel icon next to "Accent color" to open the color picker.
  • Enter the HEX code for your primary brand color or select a color from the palette. The accent color will be applied to interactive elements like buttons and links.
  • Repeat the steps for the "Text color" and "Background color" to set secondary brand colors.
  • Review how the colors appear on your page and make any adjustments needed to font sizes or background images to ensure accessibility.

Your fashion landing page is now personalized to reflect your unique brand identity through the use of your logo and brand color palette. By keeping a consistent brand style across your website and other marketing materials, you can build brand recognition and loyalty. The ability to fully customize the page to match your desired look and feel gives you complete creative control to showcase your brand.

Showcasing Your Products
Showcasing Your Products

Showcasing Your Products

To showcase your fashion products on the landing page, focus on high-quality images and concise but compelling copy.

Product Photos

Include eye-catching product photos that make visitors want to learn more about what you’re selling. For apparel, use lifestyle shots of models wearing the clothes. For accessories like jewelry or handbags, use attractive still life photos. If possible, show the products from multiple angles. Provide zoom-in options so visitors can see details.

Descriptive Titles and Captions

Give each product photo a short but enticing title and caption that highlights key features, specifications and benefits. Mention the product name, color, size and price. Use emotive language to evoke the experience of owning or wearing the item.

Clear CTAs

Include a prominent call-to-action like “Shop Now” or “See More Details” with each product so visitors know exactly what they can do. Link the CTAs to the product page on your website where someone can purchase or get additional info.

Product Categories

Group similar products together on the landing page to make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. You might have sections for:

  • New Arrivals: Showcase your latest products.
  • Best Sellers: Feature your most popular products.
  • Sale: Highlight products currently discounted.
  • Clothing: Separate into womenswear, menswear and accessories.
  • Jewelry: Categorize into necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc.

An elegant and uncluttered product showcase with high-quality visuals, concise copy and clear calls-to-action will convert visitors into customers on your fashion landing page. Focusing on beautiful product photos, descriptive titles and captions, as well as logical product groupings, allows potential clients to easily find pieces that match their style and price point.

Highlighting Your USP

Identify Your Unique Value Proposition

To attract visitors and convert them into customers, you need to highlight what makes your brand and products unique. This is known as your unique selling proposition or USP. Your USP should be:

  • Relevant to your target audience. Focus on benefits that will resonate with their needs and interests.
  • Different from your competitors. If other brands are emphasizing the same points, your USP won’t be very unique. Look for ways to stand out.
  • Believable and substantiated. Don’t make empty claims. Back up your USP with evidence from your brand’s story, mission, reviews, or product details.

Some examples of effective USPs include:

  1. Best quality at a lower cost. If you can deliver premium products or services at an affordable price, this can be an appealing USP.
  2. Specialized expertise or experience. Highlighting your team’s credentials, skills, and accomplishments in your industry or niche attracts customers seeking a knowledgeable partner.
  3. Superior customer service. In a world of automated bots and frustrating phone menus, a human touch and responsiveness can set you apart.
  4. Product innovation. Continuously improving your products and pioneering new solutions to customers’ problems fuels a perception of being on the cutting edge.

Prominently Feature Your USP

Once you’ve defined your USP, feature it prominently on your landing page and in all your marketing materials. Some suggestions include:

  • A banner headline at the top of your page. For example, “Highest quality natural fabrics at factory-direct prices.”
  • A paragraph or section explaining your USP in more detail. Share the story and passion behind it.
  • Client testimonials and case studies demonstrating your USP in action. Let your customers do the talking for you.
  • Comparisons and examples contrasting your approach with typical industry practices. This helps visitors understand exactly how you stand apart from competitors.
  • A guarantee or promise reinforcing your commitment to the USP. For example, “Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.”

An effective USP, prominently featured and reinforced throughout your marketing, creates a lasting impression of your brand in visitors’ minds. It gives them a reason to choose you over others and buy from your company. Continually delivering on your USP is key to building customer loyalty and staying ahead of competitors.

Calls-to-Action That Convert

To effectively convert visitors into customers or subscribers on your fashion landing page, strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs) are essential. CTAs should be conspicuous, compelling, and inspire action.


CTAs should clearly communicate what the desired action is, whether it’s purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading an ebook. Be straightforward in your wording, e.g. “Buy Now,” “Subscribe Today,” or “Download the Guide.” Avoid vague or confusing phrases.


Place primary CTAs in areas of high visibility - at the top of the page, centered, and at natural pause points for users scrolling down the page. Secondary or less urgent CTAs can be located lower on the page. Ensure all CTAs stand out with a high-contrast button or link style.

Value Proposition

Your CTA copy should make a strong value proposition, highlighting the key benefits and advantages of the requested action. Briefly explain how the user will gain or achieve something valuable by clicking. For example, “Subscribe to get 10% off your first purchase and stay on trend with the latest fashion news.”


Use the same style, wording, and formatting for all CTAs on your landing page. This creates familiarity and helps establish a clear user flow. For instance, if your primary CTA is a red “Buy Now” button, use red buttons of the same size and shape for all secondary CTAs as well.


On mobile devices especially, make sure your CTAs are large enough, spaced properly, and responsive to different screen sizes. If CTAs become too small, crowded together, or hidden on mobile, you risk losing conversions from mobile visitors.

Following these best practices for your calls-to-action will optimize your fashion landing page and turn more visitors into customers. Crafting clear, compelling CTAs and placing them strategically on the page can have a significant impact on your conversion rates.

FAQs: Using Unicorn Platform for Your Fashion Landing Page

Using Unicorn Platform to build your fashion landing page allows you to quickly and easily create an effective online presence for your brand. Unicorn provides fashion-specific templates and elements to help you design an engaging landing page in minutes.

Do I need coding experience to use Unicorn Platform?

No, Unicorn Platform is completely code-free. You do not need any technical skills to build a customized landing page. Unicorn’s intuitive drag and drop builder makes it simple for anyone to create a professional landing page by just clicking and dropping elements.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers affordable monthly and yearly subscription plans to suit any budget. Plans start at $12/month and include hosting, analytics, and 24/7 customer support. Unicorn does not charge any additional fees for domain names, SSL certificates, or transactions. You have the flexibility to upgrade, downgrade or cancel your plan at any time.

What templates and elements does Unicorn offer for fashion brands?

Unicorn provides stylish templates, images, icons, and fonts specifically tailored for fashion brands. You have access to on-trend templates for clothing, jewelry, beauty, and accessory stores. Unicorn’s element library includes product sliders, lifestyle images, seasonal lookbooks, and video integration to showcase your latest collections. You can also upload your own brand imagery and fonts to create a completely custom look.

How do I get started with Unicorn Platform?

It only takes a few minutes to get up and running with Unicorn Platform. Simply sign up for a free 14-day trial, choose a template, add your brand elements, and publish your landing page. Unicorn’s intuitive interface allows you to easily make changes to your page at any time. You'll be able to launch your fashion landing page and start driving more traffic and sales right away.

With user-friendly features tailored for fashion brands, Unicorn Platform makes it easy to build an engaging landing page to promote your business. Reach out to Unicorn’s support team with any other questions you may have. We're here to help you succeed.


In summary, launching a fashion brand's digital presence has never been easier thanks to simple yet stylish landing page templates. With a few clicks you can choose a template, upload your logo and images, add engaging copy to describe your brand's story and products, and publish your landing page. Your fashion vision can be shared with the world, allowing you to start building your customer base and gaining valuable feedback. For new brands, the hardest part is often just getting started. These fashion-focused landing page templates provide an easy way to overcome that hurdle and share your brand with the world. Take advantage of the opportunity and launch your fashion brand today. The platform is waiting.

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