eCommerce Website Design Services: How Unicorn Platform Can Help

updated on 10 June 2024

As an entrepreneur launching an ecommerce business, you need an online presence to reach customers and drive sales. However, building a professional ecommerce website requires technical skills and expertise that not all business owners possess. This is where ecommerce website design services come in. Companies like Unicorn Platform offer simple yet powerful website builders tailored for ecommerce that allow you to create a stunning online storefront without needing to code.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder that provides eCommerce website design services to help you create an online store. Unicorn Platform offers simple drag and drop functionality so you can build a professional eCommerce website without any coding experience.

What Can You Create with Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform allows you to create stunning eCommerce websites to sell your products or services online. You have access to beautiful templates, an intuitive page builder, and marketing tools to help boost your sales. Some of the features Unicorn Platform offers for eCommerce websites include:

  • Product galleries to showcase your items
  • Shopping cart and checkout to process payments
  • Coupon codes and discounts to increase conversions
  • Email marketing to stay in touch with your customers
  • Abandoned cart recovery to re-engage lost sales
  • Shipping and tax calculators for a seamless checkout experience

Why Choose Unicorn Platform?

There are a few reasons why Unicorn Platform is an excellent choice for eCommerce website design services:

  • Simple to use. The drag and drop builder is easy to navigate, even for beginners. You don't need any coding skills to create a great looking website.
  • Affordable pricing. Plans start at $12 per month, including free SSL certificates and 24/7 support.
  • Customizable designs. Choose from elegant templates or start from scratch. You have full control over the layout, color scheme, typography, and more.
  • Powerful eCommerce features. Everything you need to sell products and services online, including shopping cart, payment processing, shipping, and marketing tools.
  • Reliable customer support. Friendly support staff are available to help you anytime you get stuck or have a question.
  • Trusted security. Unicorn Platform uses the latest security protocols to keep your website and customer data safe.
  • SEO-friendly. Websites are optimized to rank higher in search engines like Google, helping more people discover your online store.
How Unicorn Platform Helps With eCommerce Website Design Services
How Unicorn Platform Helps With eCommerce Website Design Services

How Unicorn Platform Helps With eCommerce Website Design Services

Unicorn Platform offers professional eCommerce website design services to help you build an effective online store. Our drag and drop website builder is easy to use, requiring no coding experience, yet produces high-quality results.

Custom Design

We provide custom eCommerce web design tailored to your brand and products. Our team of designers will create a visually stunning site that aligns with your company's image. You have full control over the look and feel, from choosing a template to selecting fonts, colors, and images.

Product Catalog

Unicorn Platform makes it simple to add products, photos, descriptions, and pricing to your online catalog. You can categorize items, feature bestsellers, run promotions, and more. An intuitive interface allows you to quickly build, organize, and update your product catalog as needed.

Checkout and Payments

A seamless checkout experience is essential for eCommerce success. Our platform integrates with multiple payment gateways so your customers can pay using their preferred method. We also offer features like saved payment info, guest checkout, and abandoned cart recovery to facilitate conversions.

Marketing and Analytics

Once your site is built, Unicorn Platform provides the tools to promote your store and track key metrics. Options include email marketing, social media integrations, SEO optimization, and Google Analytics. See how visitors are finding your site, what products they view, and what's driving the most sales. Then make data-driven decisions to boost revenue and ROI.

In summary, Unicorn Platform offers full-service eCommerce web design along with a robust set of marketing and analytics features. We make launching and managing an online store straightforward so you can focus on growing your business. Let us handle the technical details while you handle the sales.

Top 3 Reasons Unicorn Platform Is Perfect for eCommerce

Unicorn Platform offers several features ideal for eCommerce websites. Here are the top three reasons it is perfect for online stores:

Simple Design Interface

The intuitive drag and drop builder makes it easy to create professional eCommerce pages without coding experience. You have full control over the layout using pre-designed sections and elements. Add products, image galleries, calls-to-action and more with just a few clicks. The minimal learning curve means you can launch your store quickly.

Mobile-Friendly responsive design

Unicorn Platform creates responsive websites that display beautifully on any device. Your online store will look stunning on smartphones, tablets and desktops with no extra effort on your part. This is crucial for eCommerce sites as many customers shop on their mobile devices. Responsive design leads to higher engagement and conversion rates, which translates to more sales.

Built-in eCommerce Features

Unicorn Platform has powerful eCommerce functionality built right in. You can add an online store, shopping cart, checkout, and payment processing without installing any third-party plugins. Features include:

  • Product pages to showcase items for sale
  • Shopping cart to allow customers to buy multiple products at once
  • Checkout page to collect payment and shipping information
  • Integration with major payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe and Square to accept payments
  • Options for shipping rates, taxes, coupons and more
  • Abandoned cart recovery to re-engage customers and recover lost sales

Unicorn Platform combines simplicity and advanced features for the perfect eCommerce website builder. An intuitive interface, responsive design and built-in store functionality make it easy to create a professional online store and start selling products.

Unicorn Platform's Drag and Drop Simplicity

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop website builder offers an intuitive experience for designing an eCommerce website. The platform’s simplistic interface and customizable elements facilitate an efficient design process, even for users with limited technical experience.

Easy to Use Functionalities

Unicorn Platform provides a selection of pre-designed blocks, sections and page templates to choose from. Users can simply drag and drop desired elements onto the page. The platform offers blocks for:

  • Product displays
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout forms
  • Blog posts
  • Image galleries
  • And more

Blocks can be customized by changing fonts, colors, sizes and content. Sections like headers, footers and sidebars can also be edited or replaced. For those wanting more control, Unicorn Platform gives users the freedom to build custom sections and pages from scratch.

Optimized for eCommerce

Unicorn Platform is optimized to support key eCommerce functions. The platform integrates with major payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe to securely process payments. It also syncs with shipping providers such as USPS and UPS to calculate shipping rates. Unicorn Platform uses an eCommerce centered framework, so websites built on the platform are primed to display and sell products right from the start.

Affordable and Scalable

Unicorn Platform’s eCommerce website design services start at an affordable rate. Plans are available for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. Websites built on Unicorn Platform can handle high volumes of traffic and scale as businesses grow over time. Resources on the platform like hosting, security and speed optimization ensure fast, dependable performance.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an intuitive website builder tailored to eCommerce businesses. Its drag and drop editor, eCommerce functionalities and scalability make it an ideal solution for designing a professional eCommerce website without technical expertise. By simplifying the design process, Unicorn Platform allows store owners to focus on what really matters: growing their business.

Mobile-Optimized Themes for the Best eCommerce Experience

To provide an optimal eCommerce experience for your customers, your website needs to be fully optimized for mobile devices. According to research, nearly 70% of all eCommerce transactions now take place on mobile phones. Therefore, selecting mobile-friendly themes for your online store is crucial.

Unicorn Platform offers many responsive eCommerce themes that provide an excellent experience for mobile shoppers. Some recommended options include:

1. Clean eCommerce Theme

This minimal theme has a simple, modern design perfect for fashion, decor, and lifestyle brands. It features large images, easy navigation, and bold fonts optimized for small screens. The sleek style highlights your products and brand.

2. Vintage eCommerce Theme

For brands with a retro esthetic, the Vintage theme is a stylish choice. It has a charming layout with ornamental elements that evoke a sense of nostalgia. The theme is still highly functional on mobile, with thumb-friendly buttons, swipe gestures, and a slide-out sidebar menu.

3. Kids eCommerce Theme

If you sell products for children, the Kids theme will delight your young customers. It has a fun, colorful design with interactive elements like sliders, icons, and animation. The large text and buttons are ideal for little fingers. This theme is also responsive so parents can conveniently shop on their mobile devices.

4. One-Page eCommerce Theme

For a minimalist look, the One-Page theme provides an elegant single-page layout. It removes unnecessary clutter and distractions, focusing on beautiful product images and a smooth user experience. The one-page style works excellently on mobile, allowing customers to scroll seamlessly through your offerings.

5. Multipurpose eCommerce Theme

For the ultimate in versatility, the Multipurpose theme offers a blank canvas to build any type of online store. Select from multiple demos, layouts, and elements to create a mobile-friendly design tailored to your brand. This customizable theme provides flexibility to match your evolving needs.

With these mobile-optimized eCommerce themes, your customers can enjoy an engaging shopping experience on any device. Unicorn Platform’s themes are all responsive, fast-loading, and designed to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Integrations Galore: Sell Everywhere
Integrations Galore: Sell Everywhere

Integrations Galore: Sell Everywhere

eCommerce businesses today have countless options for expanding their reach and boosting sales. Unicorn Platform integrates with many of the top eCommerce platforms, payment gateways, shipping carriers, and other services to provide a seamless experience for both merchants and customers.

Expand Your Reach

Unicorn Platform integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce so you can easily import your products and customers. You can also connect Unicorn Platform to eBay, Etsy, and Amazon to list your products on their massive marketplaces.

Accept Payments Globally

Unicorn Platform incorporates Stripe, PayPal, Authorize.Net, and Braintree payment gateways so you can accept major credit cards as well as alternative payment methods from customers around the world.

Streamline Shipping

Unicorn Platform works with shipping carriers like USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL to automatically calculate rates and print shipping labels for your orders. You can provide free or flat rate shipping, or pass along the carrier’s rates to your customers.

Robust API

For developers, Unicorn Platform offers a full-featured API to build custom integrations and automations. The API can be used to pull data from Unicorn Platform into your own systems or push data from other services into Unicorn Platform. This flexibility allows you to connect Unicorn Platform to virtually any eCommerce platform or business system.

Analytics and Tracking

Tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Bing Ads can be connected to Unicorn Platform to gain valuable insights into traffic sources, customer behavior, and the performance of your marketing campaigns. Unicorn Platform also has built-in reports to track metrics like page views, referrals, and sales.

With a growing list of powerful integrations, Unicorn Platform has everything you need to establish a thriving eCommerce presence. Sell on your own website, major marketplaces, and social media. Accept payments from customers worldwide. Simplify shipping. Tap into useful analytics. And customize further with our API. Your eCommerce business can now reach its full potential.

Affordable eCommerce Website Design Services

Unicorn Platform offers affordable eCommerce website design services to help you create an attractive and high-converting online store. Our team of experienced web designers will build you a customized eCommerce website tailored to your brand and products.

Fully Responsive Design

Your eCommerce website will feature a mobile-friendly, responsive design so customers can shop seamlessly on any device. This is crucial since over half of all shopping is now done on mobile phones and tablets. Our designers will optimize your site for the best experience across devices.

Intuitive User Experience

We focus on an intuitive user experience to keep customers engaged. Your eCommerce website will have a simple yet elegant layout with clear navigation, product categories, and a streamlined checkout process. The goal is to make shopping easy and enjoyable for your customers.

High-Quality Product Pages

Each product will have its own page highlighting images, descriptions, reviews, and the option to purchase or add to cart. These pages are optimized to convert visitors into customers. We also offer professional product photography services if needed.

Integrated Payment Solutions

Your eCommerce website will offer secure and trusted payment options like credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment gateways. We can also set up installment payment plans if you offer financing. All payments are processed through an PCI-compliant payment gateway to protect customer data.

Ongoing Support

After launching your new eCommerce website, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure maximum uptime and performance. We also offer additional services like email marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization to drive more traffic and increase sales.

Unicorn Platform's affordable yet high-quality eCommerce website design services provide an all-in-one solution to launch your online store and start making more sales. Please contact us today to get started! We look forward to helping your business succeed.

Best Websites for e-Commerce

To build an effective eCommerce website, you need a platform designed specifically for this purpose. Unicorn Platform offers eCommerce website design services to help you create a professional online store.

Unicorn Platform allows you to choose from a variety of modern templates optimized for eCommerce. You can then customize the template by adding your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo to match your company’s style guide. Their drag and drop editor makes it easy to add and arrange products, customize pages, and make changes whenever needed.

Product Catalog

Unicorn Platform has built-in eCommerce functionality to help you create a robust product catalog. You can add details for an unlimited number of physical or digital products, including:

  • Product name and description
  • High-quality images
  • Variations like size, color, and material
  • Categories and tags to group similar products
  • Pricing and discount options
  • Inventory tracking
  • And more

Secure Checkout

A secure checkout process is essential for any eCommerce website. Unicorn Platform uses 256-bit SSL encryption and integrates with major payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, and Authorize.Net. This allows your customers to pay quickly and safely using their preferred method.

Marketing & SEO Tools

Unicorn Platform also provides tools to help market your online store and improve search ranking. Their blogging platform lets you create content to engage customers and increase traffic. Built-in SEO tools like alt image text, meta descriptions, and schema markup help search engines understand your site. You can also set up email marketing campaigns to re-engage customers and promote new products.

With user-friendly design services and powerful eCommerce features, Unicorn Platform has everything you need to build a successful online store. Let their team of experts help you create a website that will elevate your brand and boost sales.

FAQs: Commonly Asked Questions About Unicorn Platform and eCommerce Website Design

As an eCommerce business owner, you likely have many questions about Unicorn Platform and how our services can benefit your company. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive:

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers monthly subscription plans ranging from $29 to $199 per month. The specific plan and pricing for your business will depend on the features and functionality you need for your eCommerce website. We offer customized quotes based on your unique requirements.

Do you offer website design services?

Yes, Unicorn Platform provides full-service eCommerce web design as part of our platform and services. Our team of designers will work with you to create a custom website tailored to your brand and products. We handle everything from information architecture and wireframing to visual design and development.

Can I sell products on my website?

Absolutely. Unicorn Platform is built for eCommerce, so selling products on your website is a key function of our platform. We provide an integrated shopping cart, payment processing, shipping calculators, and inventory management tools to fully support your eCommerce operations.

Is Unicorn Platform easy to use?

Ease of use is one of our top priorities. Unicorn Platform features an intuitive drag and drop website builder, so no coding experience is required. You can quickly and easily create web pages, blog posts, product pages, and more. We provide detailed help resources and onboarding support to get you up and running quickly.

How long does it take to get my site launched?

The timeline for launching your Unicorn Platform eCommerce website can vary from 4 to 8 weeks on average, depending on the complexity of your design and functionality requirements. We work closely with you through the entire process to keep things on schedule and ensure a successful launch for your business.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are happy to provide more details about Unicorn Platform and our services.


In summary, you have seen how Unicorn Platform can help you create an effective eCommerce website and achieve your business goals. With their easy-to-use drag and drop builder, customizable templates, and integrated tools for marketing and analytics, Unicorn Platform provides an all-in-one solution for your company. By leveraging their services, you'll be able to build a professional eCommerce website, start selling your products online, connect with new customers around the world, and ultimately grow your business. The time to take your company to the next level is now. With Unicorn Platform powering your online store, the possibilities for success are endless.

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Built on Unicorn Platform