Drag and Drop Your Way to a Stunning Recipe Landing Page

published on 28 August 2023

You're passionate about cooking and ready to share your recipes with the world. But to attract readers and subscribers, you need an eye-catching recipe landing page. Creating an engaging landing page from scratch requires technical skills and hours of work. As an entrepreneur, your time is precious. You need a simple solution to build a stunning recipe landing page fast without coding.

Unicorn Platform is the answer. This easy-to-use drag and drop website builder lets you create a professional recipe landing page in minutes. With an intuitive interface and stylish pre-made templates, designing your dream landing page is a breeze. Simply select a template, drag and drop in images of your delicious dishes, add enticing text to hook readers, and you’re done. Your new recipe landing page will delight visitors and convert them into loyal fans and subscribers. Best of all, you can make changes anytime with the click of a mouse.

Forget struggling with complicated web design tools. With Unicorn Platform, crafting an eye-catching recipe landing page is magic. Drag and drop your way to website building success and share your culinary creations with the world.

Why You Need a Dedicated Recipe Landing Page

A dedicated recipe landing page is essential for any food website or blog. Unlike your homepage, a landing page has a single focused goal: to convert visitors into newsletter or cookbook subscribers. An effective recipe landing page should:

  • Highlight your most popular or visually stunning recipes. Feature large, high-quality images of your signature dishes or baked goods. Draw the reader in with tempting photos of your recipes in action.
  • Focus on a specific recipe collection or theme. Group together seasonal, holiday or diet-specific recipes. For example, “Our Top 10 Gluten-Free Breads” or “A Paleo Thanksgiving Feast.” Keeping a tight focus will make it easy for visitors to find what they need.
  • Include irresistible calls-to-action. Place bright buttons or links at both the top and bottom of the page encouraging visitors to sign up for your newsletter, download your ecookbook or save their favorite recipes. Multiple CTAs increase the chance of conversion.
  • Share the story behind your recipes. Give visitors a glimpse into your cooking philosophy, food passions or behind-the-scenes kitchen moments. Help them get to know you and connect on a personal level. A few heartfelt paragraphs about what inspires your recipes can build loyalty and turn first-time visitors into lifelong fans.
  • Keep your page clean and clutter-free. Remove any links or tabs leading away from the page. The sole purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors, so avoid distractions. Use minimal design elements and plenty of white space to create an inviting, unhurried browsing experience.

With some planning and the right elements in place, a recipe landing page can become one of the most valuable tools in your cooking website arsenal. Not only will it help you gain new subscribers and build your audience, but it will give your dedicated readers exactly what they're looking for.

Choose a Stylish Template on Unicorn Platform to Showcase Your Recipes

To create a stunning recipe landing page on Unicorn Platform, choose from their selection of stylish templates designed specifically for recipes and food blogs. These templates feature large hero images, bold typography, and plenty of whitespace so your recipes and photos will be the focus.

Within the editor, you have full control over the template. You can easily add, remove, or rearrange sections to best showcase your content. For example, you may want to feature your most popular or seasonal recipes on the homepage. Simply drag recipe sections from the sidebar into the main content area.

Need to make adjustments? No problem. Change the background, fonts, colors, and more with just a few clicks. You can even adjust padding, margins, and sizing for a tailored look. For recipes, focus on a clean, minimal design with plenty of negative space so readers can easily scan ingredients and instructions.

Once you have the structure and styling in place, it’s time to add your content. Enter your recipe names, descriptions, ingredients, instructions, and photos directly into the sections. Unicorn Platform will automatically format everything for you, so you can concentrate on what really matters: your delicious recipes!

With a stylish template, drag and drop editor, and built-in formatting, Unicorn Platform makes it easy to create a stunning recipe landing page. Your readers will love the simple, uncluttered design and mouth-watering recipes. And you’ll love how fast you can build and update the page without any coding required. Why not start designing your recipe landing page today? Your readers will thank you for it!

Add Eye-Catching Images of Your Dishes

To create an eye-catching recipe landing page, you'll want to prominently feature images of your delicious dishes. Adding photos of your recipes will make your page visually appealing and entice visitors to try your recipes.

High Quality Photos

Use high resolution photos that are crisp, clear, and visually appealing. Blurry or poorly lit images will reflect poorly on your brand and recipes. For the best results, use a digital camera or smartphone to take photos in natural lighting. Get close up shots of your finished recipe from different angles.

Include Photos of Ingredients

In addition to photos of the final recipe, include images of the key ingredients used. Close up shots of fresh ingredients like colorful vegetables, herbs and spices will make your page even more engaging and inspire home cooks.

Edit and Enhance Your Photos

Use a photo editing tool like Photoshop or the free online editor PicMonkey to enhance your food photos. Make basic edits like cropping the image, adjusting lighting and color balance. You can also apply filters to create a stylized look. Photos with a bright, saturated color palette tend to perform well for recipe content.

Optimize Your Images

Be sure to optimize your recipe images for the web. Save photos in a format like JPG or PNG at a size of at least 1000 pixels wide. Compress your image files to reduce the file size which will help your page load faster.

Also, give your image files descriptive alt text and filenames, like “orange-chicken-stir-fry.jpg”. This will help search engines understand your content and rank your images in the search results. Provide image captions and credits on your page for an added SEO boost.

Following these tips will allow you to create a recipe landing page featuring stunning food photography. High quality, optimized images are essential for an attractive page that ranks well in search and drives traffic and conversions. Home cooks will flock to your tasty recipes and gorgeous photos!

Include Short Recipe Descriptions to Entice Readers

To entice readers and give them a taste of what recipes they will find on your landing page, include short descriptions for each recipe. Keep these to 2-3 sentences that highlight the key ingredients, flavors, and experience readers can expect. For example:

Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake

This classic fall dessert features juicy apples nestled in a sweet caramel sauce at the bottom of a fluffy yellow cake. When inverted, the apples are showcased in a pool of melted caramel. Homemade caramel and crisp apples pair perfectly in this comforting yet impressive cake.

Spicy Shrimp Tacos

Succulent shrimp are sautéed in garlic and chili peppers, then tucked into warm corn tortillas and topped with a fresh mango salsa. Crunchy cabbage, creamy avocado, and cilantro add cooling contrast to the spicy shrimp. These colorful tacos bursting with flavor are perfect for a casual dinner or party.

Chocolate Soufflés

Rich, molten chocolate soufflés are a dramatic and delicious dessert. This recipe produces light and airy soufflés with a molten chocolate center. Impress your guests by serving the soufflés immediately with whipped cream or ice cream. A dusting of powdered sugar and fresh berries make an attractive garnish for these intensely chocolatey soufflés.

Using appetizing descriptions like these for each recipe on your landing page will give visitors a taste of what's to come and entice them to click through to the full recipe. Keep the descriptions concise but evocative, highlighting the sensory experience and key elements of each dish. With a tempting preview of recipes like caramel apple upside down cake, spicy shrimp tacos or molten chocolate soufflés, visitors will be eager to explore all your landing page has to offer.

Highlight Key Ingredients and Flavors

To create an appealing recipe landing page, you must highlight the key ingredients and dominant flavors of your dish. This allows visitors to quickly understand what makes your recipe unique and enticing.


List the ingredients in your recipe in a bulleted list, emphasizing any specialty or key ingredients. For example:

  • 1 pound fettuccine pasta
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 pound medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil
  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Calling out integral ingredients, especially those that provide robust flavors, helps visitors envision how the dish will taste and smell. Terms like “fresh basil,” “parmesan cheese,” and “crushed red pepper flakes” conjure vivid sensory images for readers.


Describe the combination of flavors in a short paragraph. For instance, you might write:

The key flavors in this garlicky shrimp fettuccine are tangy, herbaceous and lightly spicy. The white wine, lemon juice and parmesan cheese provide a tart, bright balance to the rich olive oil and savory garlic. Crushed red pepper flakes add a subtle kick of heat, while fresh basil gives the dish a refreshing licorice-clove aroma. These bold flavors mingle to create a vibrant, full-bodied pasta that is creamy yet light.

Using descriptive words like “tangy,” “herbaceous,” “spicy,” “bright,” “savory,” “refreshing,” and “full-bodied” helps readers imagine how the recipe will taste. Discussing how the flavors “mingle” and “balance” each other paints a vivid picture of the overall sensory experience of the dish.

Highlighting integral ingredients and dominant flavors is key to crafting an enticing recipe landing page that will have visitors racing to the kitchen to recreate your recipe. Discussing these components in a descriptive yet concise way allows readers to visualize what makes your dish unique and share in your culinary creation.

Share Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Sharing reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers is one of the most effective ways to build trust and credibility on your recipe landing page. Their authentic stories and experiences help to validate your offerings and reassure visitors that your business delivers on its promises.

To incorporate compelling customer testimonials into your page:

  1. Gather enthusiastic reviews from your happiest clients. Reach out to customers who have had an exceptionally positive experience with your product or service and ask if they would be willing to provide a short testimonial for use on your website. Offer to attribute the review to them or keep them anonymous, depending on their preference.
  2. Select reviews that highlight specific benefits and results. Choose testimonials that speak to the real and meaningful impact your business has had. For example, “After just one month of using the meal plans, I’ve already lost 15 pounds and my energy levels are through the roof!” These types of reviews are far more persuasive than vague statements of satisfaction.
  3. Use a mix of review formats. Include a combination of short quotes, longer multi-sentence stories, videos, and ratings or star reviews. This variety will keep things interesting for your visitors and allow different people to connect with different formats. For accessibility, be sure to also provide text descriptions or transcripts for any video content.
  4. Place testimonials prominently on your page. Reviews should not be relegated to a secondary page that visitors have to search for. Feature them clearly on your landing page, near the top of the page or alongside the products and services they reference. This strategic positioning greatly enhances their effectiveness.
  5. Update reviews regularly. Continue gathering new reviews from clients over time and rotate them onto your page. Fresh testimonials, especially if they highlight new offerings or recent improvements, help to keep your content dynamic and suggest an active, thriving business. They also give repeat visitors a reason to come back to your site.

Using real customer stories and experiences is the most powerful way to build trust in your brand and instill confidence in prospective clients. Compelling testimonials and reviews are essential persuasion tools for any effective recipe landing page. Integrating them prominently into your website design will help guide more visitors to say yes to your products and services.

Add a Clear Call-to-Action So Readers Can Access Your Recipes
Add a Clear Call-to-Action So Readers Can Access Your Recipes

Add a Clear Call-to-Action So Readers Can Access Your Recipes

To convert readers into customers, you need a clear call-to-action (CTA) on your recipe landing page. A CTA is an instruction to your visitors, telling them what to do next to access your recipes or sign up for your mailing list.

Add a Prominent CTA Button

Place a large, eye-catching CTA button above the fold on your page. Use action-oriented text on the button like “Get the Recipes”, “Download Now” or “Subscribe”. Make the button a contrasting color so it stands out, like red, green or orange. Center the button for maximum visibility.

Keep Your Message Clear and Concise

Be very specific in your CTA about what users will receive or the action they will take. For example, “Get 10 Easy Weeknight Dinner Recipes” or “Subscribe to the Weekly Recipe Newsletter”. A concise, scannable message is more effective than a long, vague description. Keep your CTA to 1 or 2 short sentences or around 5-10 words for a button.

Choose Your Destination Wisely

Determine where you want to direct visitors when they click your CTA. The most common options for a recipe landing page are:

  • An email signup form to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • A download page where visitors enter their email to get your recipe ebook or PDF.
  • A link to your blog or recipe website.

Choose the destination that aligns with your CTA message and overall goal for the page. Provide value to your visitors by giving them useful, relevant content and building your email list.

Place Supporting Visuals Nearby

Include an appetizing photo of your recipes or a related stock image next to or just above/below your CTA. This helps reinforce your message and gives visitors a preview of what they will receive. You can also add icons like a download arrow or email envelope, depending on your CTA action.

A prominent, action-oriented call-to-action with a clear message and supporting visuals is key to driving traffic and conversions on your recipe landing page. Place your CTA above the fold, keep the text concise, choose an impactful destination, and include a related photo or icon. These elements will motivate your visitors to click through and access your delicious recipes!

Keep Your Page Simple and Avoid Distracting Extra Content
Keep Your Page Simple and Avoid Distracting Extra Content

Keep Your Page Simple and Avoid Distracting Extra Content

To create an effective recipe landing page, keep the design clean and avoid cluttering the page with distracting extra content. Focus on highlighting the recipe in a simple, elegant way.

Limit the Number of Recipes

Feature only one recipe on your landing page. Don’t overwhelm visitors with multiple options, as this can confuse them or make the page seem disorganized. Showcase your star recipe to make the biggest impact. You can link to your full recipe collection on another page.

Use High-Quality Photos

Include large, stunning photos of the finished recipe. Close-up shots of the dish are most appealing. Ensure photos are high resolution, evenly lit, and stylistically consistent. Photos should take up a majority of the page, with the recipe title, summary and button overlaying the image.

Keep the Wording Minimal

Use concise and compelling copy to describe the recipe without lengthy paragraphs. A short 2 to 3 sentence summary is ideal. The overall word count for the page should be under 500 words. Your photos and minimal design should speak for themselves.

Include Only Essential Information

The landing page should focus solely on attracting the reader to view the full recipe. Include the recipe title, summary, cook time, servings and ratings/reviews. Omit the full ingredient list and instructions—save that content for your recipe page.

Prominent Call to Action

Your primary goal is to get visitors to click through to the full recipe page. Include a prominent call to action button, such as “View Recipe” or “Get the Recipe.” Place the button above the fold for maximum visibility. The button should link directly to your recipe page.

Avoid Ads and Distractions

Do not include any ads, pop-ups or other distracting elements that might detract from the recipe. The page should only feature content specifically related to your recipe. Keep the design clean for the best user experience.

Following these best practices will result in a simple yet striking recipe landing page that effectively showcases your recipe and encourages readers to click through for all the details. Keep your page uncluttered, focus on amazing photos and a concise summary, and include a prominent call to action to view the full recipe.

Recipe Landing Page: How to Build With Unicorn Platform

To build a stunning recipe landing page with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

  1. Select a recipe landing page template. Unicorn Platform offers templates tailored for recipe websites and blogs. Choose one that suits your brand and esthetic.
  2. Add your logo and site name. Establish your brand at the top of the page. You can also include social media links if desired.
  3. Include eye-catching food photography. High-quality images of your recipes are essential for an effective recipe landing page. Upload photos of your finished dishes to entice visitors.
  4. Write a value proposition. Explain what makes your recipes and website unique to capture the interest of visitors. For example, “Classic comfort food recipes made healthy and delicious.”
  5. Add featured recipes. Display images and descriptions of 3 to 5 of your most popular or seasonal recipes. Link each recipe to its full page on your site.

Recipe Categories

  1. Create recipe category buttons or images. Add buttons or photos linking to your recipe categories like “Appetizers,” “Main Dishes,” or “Desserts.” This makes it easy for visitors to find recipes that match their needs or mood.
  2. Include a newsletter signup form. A recipe landing page is an opportunity to grow your email list. Offer a newsletter signup with an incentive like a free eCookbook to download.
  3. Add social sharing buttons. Make it simple for visitors to share your recipes on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Social shares will increase traffic to your landing page and website.
  4. Review and publish. Proofread your page and test any forms or links to ensure everything is working properly. Then publish your recipe landing page and start driving traffic to turn visitors into recipe website fans and newsletter subscribers!


With Unicorn Platform you can create sleek recipe landing pages in minutes. The intuitive drag and drop interface makes it easy to add colorful food images, catchy headers, and bold calls to action that drive email signups and sales. Stop wasting hours coding a custom page and start creating an eye-catching recipe page that delights your visitors. Unicorn Platform has all the tools you need to design a memorable recipe landing page experience on your own. Now you can focus on what really matters - developing delicious recipes and growing your business. Take your recipe page to the next level with Unicorn Platform.

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