Create an Event Registration Landing Page in Minutes

updated on 14 May 2024

As an event organizer, creating an eye-catching yet simple event registration landing page is crucial to driving signups. However, building a custom landing page from scratch requires technical web design and development skills that you may not have. Using a no-code landing page builder is the solution. With an intuitive drag and drop builder, you can create a high-converting event registration landing page in just minutes without writing a single line of code.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive website and landing page builder that allows you to easily create professional pages without any coding experience.

The platform provides pre-built landing page templates to help you quickly launch marketing campaigns, promote events, drive app downloads, and more. With Unicorn Platform, creating a customized landing page is simple. You have access to professionally designed templates that you can fully customize to match your brand.

For example, you can quickly build and launch an Eventbrite-style landing page to start promoting your event and collecting registrations, or choose from elegant templates with RSVP forms, maps, date/time details, and a personal message from you or your company. Whether you need an event registration page, product launch page, or invitation landing page, Unicorn Platform provides a simple solution.

Check out their Meetup and Calendar Landing Pages Without the Hassle article to learn more about how to build landing pages for these types of events.

How to Create an Event Landing Page in 3 Easy Steps

Creating an effective event registration landing page is crucial to driving signups and attendance for your event. With Unicorn Platform, you can build a custom landing page in just 3 easy steps:

  1. Select a template. Choose from a variety of mobile-optimized templates designed specifically for events. Options include:
  2. Eventbrite style with featured image and registration form
  3. Invitation style with RSVP buttons
  4. Full page background image with registration form overlay
  5. Add your content. Include the key details about your event like:
  6. Event name, date, time and location prominently displayed at the top
  7. A brief description of the event with details about the experience attendees can expect
  8. Speaker, host or organizer information with photos and biographies
  9. Ticket options, pricing and purchase buttons - keep this high on the page
  10. FAQs, testimonials or reviews from past events (if applicable)
  11. Social sharing buttons so people can spread the word
  12. Customize and publish. Select colors, fonts, and upload your own images to match your event branding. Add custom CSS or HTML if desired. Preview your page then publish with the click of a button. Your sleek event landing page will be live and ready for registrations and shares on social media!

With an eye-catching event landing page, you'll start seeing registrations pouring in. Take advantage of all the useful features in Unicorn Platform to spread the word about your event and make it a success! By following these simple steps, you can have a stunning landing page published and driving signups in virtually no time.

Choose an Event Registration Template

To create an event registration landing page, select an eye-catching template to capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to sign up. Unicorn Platform offers stylish templates with a simple drag-and-drop editor so you can design a custom landing page in minutes without any coding required.

Choose from Professionally-Designed Templates

Unicorn Platform provides templates for popular event types like:

Select a template that matches your event’s theme and atmosphere. Each mobile-responsive template can be fully customized to reflect your brand. Simply add your event details, images, color scheme and more.

Edit Content With the Drag-and-Drop Builder

Unicorn Platform’s intuitive page builder makes it easy to edit your chosen template. You can:

  1. Add eye-catching images, videos, countdown timers and more to increase excitement.
  2. Change font styles, sizes and colors to match your brand guidelines.
  3. Rearrange sections by dragging and dropping. Add or remove sections as needed.
  4. Include a registration form so visitors can sign up right on the page. Link the form to your email list or ticket sales platform.
  5. Add calls-to-action like “Register Now” or “Buy Tickets” buttons to prompt visitors to take action.
  6. Include details like event date, location, schedule, speakers, etc. to inform visitors.
  7. Add social share buttons so visitors can spread the word about your event on social media.

Preview and Publish Your Page

Once you've customized the template to your satisfaction, preview how it will appear on desktop and mobile devices. Make any final changes needed, then publish your event registration landing page with the click of a button. Your page will go live immediately, ready to start collecting signups and ticket sales for your upcoming event.

With stylish templates, an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, and simplified publishing, Unicorn Platform makes creating high-converting landing pages incredibly easy. Build your event registration page in minutes and start promoting your event today.

Add an Event Registration Form

To allow event attendees to register for your event, you'll need to add a registration form to your landing page. ###Creating a Registration Form

Unicorn Platform makes it easy to build custom registration forms for your event. You have a few options for the type of form to add:

  • Basic contact form: Collects basic info like name, email, and any custom fields you specify. Good for small, free events.
  • Ticket registration: Allows attendees to select from different ticket types you define and pay via integrated payment processing. Best for paid events.
  • RSVP form: Simple yes/no RSVP form to get a headcount for your event.

For this example, we'll add a basic ticket registration form. Here are the steps:

  1. Select "Add Form" from the toolbar and choose "Ticket Registration" form. This will add a blank form to your page.
  2. Enter the form name and any instructions you want to provide at the top of the form. For example, "Register for the Unicorn Conference 2020".
  3. Add ticket fields by clicking "Add ticket type". Enter the ticket name, price, quantity available, and any other details. For example, "Early Bird $99 (50 available)" and "General Admission $149".
  4. Add additional fields like name, email, company, and job title. Make any fields required that you want to collect for all registrants.
  5. Choose a payment processor to accept payments for your tickets. Unicorn Platform integrates with Stripe, PayPal, and more. Connect your account to begin accepting payments.
  6. Preview and test your registration page to ensure the form is working properly and payments are being accepted correctly. Make any final tweaks needed before launching your page.
  7. Once your page is live, promote your event and registration page on social media, email campaigns, and anywhere else your audience may see it. Monitor registrations and ticket sales to see how your promotion efforts are working.

With a customized registration form on your landing page, you'll be able to easily accept ticket purchases and RSVPs for your event. Let us know if you have any other questions!

Promote Your Event Landing Page
Promote Your Event Landing Page

Promote Your Event Landing Page

To drive traffic to your event registration landing page, you must implement an effective promotional strategy. There are several ways to spread the word about your event and boost registration.

Social Media Promotion

Promote your event on major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Create eye-catching graphics to share details about your event and a link to your registration page. Engage with your followers by posting updates, answering questions, and sharing excitement about the event. Run social media contests and giveaways to increase buzz.

Email Marketing

Send dedicated email campaigns to announce your event and drive registrations. Include graphics, key event details, and a prominent link to your registration page. Follow up with reminder emails closer to the event date. Segment your email list based on past event attendance or topics of interest to tailor messaging.

Influencer Marketing

Reach out to influencers in your industry and invite them to attend and promote your event. Provide them with a complimentary ticket in exchange for social media posts, blog coverage, and email promotion to their followers. Their endorsement and sharing with engaged audiences can significantly boost visibility and drive registrations.


Team up with complementary brands, organizations, and media outlets to cross-promote your event. They may be willing to promote to their audiences in exchange for a partnership. Look for brands with a similar target audience but non-competing products or services. Strategic partnerships expand your reach and lend credibility.

Search Engine Optimization

To optimize your event landing page for search engines like Google, include important keywords in your page title, headers, content, image alt text, and meta description. You can also earn high-quality backlinks by securing coverage of your event on industry websites, online media publications, and influencer blogs. Strong SEO will rank your page higher in search results and drive organic traffic. If you're looking for an easy way to create a landing page for your virtual event, check out Unicorn Platform's article on creating a landing page for your virtual event in seconds.

To maximize attendance and registrations, deploy an integrated marketing campaign across multiple channels. A multi-pronged promotional strategy combining social media, email, influencer and partnership marketing, and SEO will raise awareness of your event and direct interested audiences to your registration landing page. Consistent and compelling messaging across all channels will amplify your efforts and help you achieve your event goals.

Eventbrite Landing page: Sell Tickets on Your Page

To create an event registration landing page, integrate Eventbrite into your Unicorn site. Eventbrite is a popular event management and ticketing platform used by millions of event creators worldwide. Adding an Eventbrite form to your page allows visitors to easily buy tickets for your event right on your site.

Connect Your Unicorn Site to Eventbrite

  1. Log in to your Eventbrite account and navigate to the event you want to sell tickets for.
  2. Under the event's settings, select "Embed this event." This will provide you with the embed code for your event page.
  3. In the Unicorn editor, add an HTML embed block. Paste the code from Eventbrite into the embed block.
  4. Save and publish your page. Your event page from Eventbrite is now embedded, allowing visitors to view event details and buy tickets.

Customize the Look and Feel

You can customize the embedded Eventbrite form to match your site's branding and style:

  • Change the width of the embed to span the full page width or a specific number of columns.
  • Alter the height to show more or less of the event details.
  • Apply custom CSS to change colors, fonts, and other styling.
  • Add padding, margins, or a border around the embed.

Promote Your Event Landing Page

With your event registration page live, spread the word to boost ticket sales! Some suggestions:

  • Share the page link on your social media profiles and in your email newsletters.
  • Pitch the event to local media outlets for feature or listing opportunities.
  • Run a social media ad campaign targeting people in your area interested in events like yours.
  • Team up with like-minded organizations, brands, and influencers for cross-promotion and collaboration.
  • Offer discounts, special perks, and early bird pricing to incentivize ticket purchases.

An optimized event landing page, embedded Eventbrite form, and strategic promotion plan will streamline your event registration process while maximizing attendance and revenue. Best of luck with your event! Let us know if you have any other questions.

Invitation Landing page: Customize Your Event Page With Drag and Drop
Invitation Landing page: Customize Your Event Page With Drag and Drop

Invitation Landing page: Customize Your Event Page With Drag and Drop

To create an eye-catching invitation landing page for your event using Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Choose a Template

Select from Unicorn Platform’s professionally-designed event landing page templates to get started. Templates include options for:

  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • Meetups

Choose a template that matches your event type and branding. You can always customize the template further to your needs.

Add Your Event Details

Enter key details about your event like:

  • Event name
  • Date(s)
  • Time(s)
  • Location (physical address or online conference link)
  • Event description
  • Speaker bios (if applicable)
  • Ticket prices (if charging admission)

Be sure to include what attendees can expect from your event and why they should register or purchase a ticket.

Highlight Key Features

Use bullet points, graphics, and text to highlight important features of your event. Things like:

  • Renowned speakers or industry experts
  • Exclusive content or resources
  • Networking opportunities
  • Swag or goodies for attendees
  • First access to new products or services

Add Eye-Catching Media

Include engaging media like:

  • Event photos
  • Speaker headshots
  • Infographics
  • Event logo

Media makes your page visually compelling and builds excitement for your event.

Provide Social Proof

Add endorsements, reviews, or ratings from past events to build credibility. You can also include the logos of sponsors, partners or media outlets that support your event.

Add a Call-to-Action

The most important part of your landing page is a strong call-to-action, like:

  • Register Now
  • Buy Tickets
  • Save Your Seat

Make the CTA button prominent on your page to capture signups and ticket purchases.

With some customization, an event landing page built on Unicorn Platform will have attendees eagerly registering or purchasing tickets for your event in minutes. Let us know if you have any other questions!

How Do I Create an Invitation Landing Page?

To create an invitation landing page, follow these steps:

Select a Template

Choose from Unicorn Platform’s pre-made invitation landing page templates to get started. Some options include:

  • Event Invitation: Ideal for promoting an upcoming event like a conference, meetup or webinar. Includes an eye-catching header image, event details, and registration form.
  • Product Launch: Perfect for announcing the release of a new mobile app, online course, or other digital product. Highlights your product and includes a signup form to join a pre-launch list.
  • Private Sale: Great for promoting a limited time offer or discount to your email list. Emphasizes the exclusivity of the sale and encourages visitors to sign up right away.

Customize the Design

You can fully customize your chosen template by:

  • Uploading your own header image to set the right mood and tone for your invitation.
  • Changing the template colors to match your brand.
  • Modifying or reorganizing page sections as needed. Add or remove sections for event details, FAQs, social proof, etc.
  • Embedding video or media for an engaging user experience.

Set Up Your Registration Form

The registration or signup form is the most important part of your landing page. Here you will capture leads by having visitors enter their email address and any other information you require. Be sure to:

  1. Choose between a basic email signup, RSVP form or ticket registration depending on your needs.
  2. Select required fields to include like name, email, number of tickets, etc.
  3. Enable double opt-in to verify email addresses and comply with anti-spam laws.
  4. Connect to an email service provider to store form entries and follow up with leads.

Launch and Promote Your Page

Once your invitation landing page is set up, launch it and start promoting to drive traffic and conversions:

  • Share the link on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • Send an email campaign to your list announcing the new page.
  • Run Facebook and Google Ads to increase visibility.
  • Reach out to influencers and media contacts to help spread the word.
  • Monitor page analytics to see how visitors are engaging and make improvements.

With some time and practice, you'll be creating high-converting invitation landing pages in minutes. Let me know if you have any other questions!


With Unicorn Platform, you can create a professional event registration landing page in minutes without any coding skills. Their simple drag and drop interface allows you to choose from dozens of designer-made templates, then customize the content, images, and layout to match your brand and event details. Once published, your landing page will be mobile-optimized so attendees can easily register for your event on any device. If you're looking for an effortless way to promote your next conference, networking event, or fundraiser, Unicorn Platform provides an affordable solution to spread the word and boost ticket sales. Their easy-to-use tools empower you to build a custom landing page and start collecting registrations today.

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