Build Your Loan Landing Page Faster With Unicorn Platform

published on 06 July 2023

As an entrepreneur looking to build an effective loan landing page, time is of the essence. You need to get your message in front of potential customers as quickly and compellingly as possible. However, creating a custom landing page from scratch requires technical skills and hours of work that you likely don’t have. That’s where Unicorn Platform comes in. This simple yet powerful drag and drop website builder tool allows you to create a professional loan landing page in minutes without writing a single line of code. With an intuitive interface and pre-built templates tailored to the finance industry, Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to build a conversion-optimized loan landing page faster than ever before. Stop wasting valuable time and start engaging your customers right away with Unicorn Platform.

Why Use a Landing Page Builder

As a startup looking to increase loan applications, using a dedicated landing page builder is key. Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop builder allows you to easily create high-converting loan landing pages to capture more leads and drive more business.

  • Maximize lead generation. A landing page focused specifically on your loan offer allows you to optimize the page for lead conversion. You can include an attention-grabbing headline, concise bullet points highlighting the key benefits and terms of your loan, social proof from happy customers, and a prominent call-to-action for visitors to apply now.
  • Simplify the application process. With a loan landing page, you can embed an application form right on the page so visitors can apply immediately while your offer is fresh in their minds. This streamlined process results in higher conversion rates.
  • Test and optimize. Using a landing page builder, you can easily make changes and see how they impact lead generation. Try different headlines and copy, move around page elements, add or remove sections—and then see which version has the highest conversion rate so you can make it your default.
  • Match your brand. Create a loan landing page that aligns with your brand from the colors and fonts to the overall style and tone. Brand consistency builds trust and credibility which leads to more completed applications.
  • Mobile-friendly. With a responsive landing page, you can be sure your loan offer displays perfectly on any device. Since many visitors will view on their smartphones, a mobile-optimized landing page is essential for conversions and sales.

In summary, a professionally designed loan landing page tailored to your unique offer is the best way to generate more promising leads and drive higher conversion rates for your startup. Using a simple but powerful no-code builder like Unicorn Platform, you can build and optimize a high-performing landing page quickly and easily.

Unicorn Platform: A Simple Yet Powerful Solution

To build an effective loan landing page quickly, Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive yet powerful solution.

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder with drag and drop functionality, requiring no coding skills to create professional pages. You can choose from stylish templates tailored for lending and finance to design an attractive loan landing page.

  • Access 100+ mobile-optimized templates: Select an eye-catching template to display loan offers, interest rates, and applications. Modify colors, fonts, images and sections as needed.
  • Add custom content with an rich text editor: Include details about your loan products, interest rates, fees, terms and conditions using the in-built editor. Insert images, videos, call-to-action buttons, testimonials and more.
  • Generate leads with built-in forms: Create loan application and contact forms with a few clicks. Choose from a variety of fields to capture necessary information from prospects. Forms are connected to your CRM to streamline lead management.
  • Track performance with analytics: Monitor page views, conversion rates, and other metrics to optimize your landing page. Make data-driven decisions to improve results.
  • Enjoy fast hosting and 24/7 support: Host your landing page on Unicorn’s fast, secure servers. Get help anytime you need with 24/7 customer support.

With an intuitive interface, powerful features and affordable, scalable pricing, Unicorn Platform is an ideal solution for lending companies and financial institutions to build high-converting loan landing pages without the need for developers or coding skills. Accelerate your lead generation today with this simple yet robust website builder.

Drag and Drop Design: Build your Loan Landing Page

Simple Drag and Drop Interface

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop builder makes designing your loan landing page simple. No coding skills are required to create an eye-catching page. You can easily:

  • Add sections like headers, text, images, buttons, and forms by dragging the elements onto the page.
  • Customize the look and feel by changing the font, color, spacing, and more of each element.
  • Rearrange sections by clicking and dragging them into your desired order.
  • Save and reuse sections, columns, and styles across pages for consistency.

Mobile-Friendly and Responsive

Your loan landing page will look great on any device. Unicorn Platform’s builder tool automatically optimizes your page for mobile and tablet use. As you build, you can view how the page will appear on different screen sizes. Make edits to the responsive design by adjusting:

  1. Number of columns
  2. Width of columns
  3. Font sizes
  4. Image sizes
  5. Section spacing

By previewing and tweaking the responsive design, you can ensure an optimal experience for visitors on all devices.

Integrations to Streamline Your Workflow

Unicorn Platform integrates with many third-party tools to simplify building your loan landing page. Connect to:

  • Google Fonts to access free font libraries
  • Unsplash for a wide selection of free images
  • Mailchimp to capture email leads from your page
  • Zapier to automate tasks and connect Unicorn Platform with other apps
  • Slack for notifications to your team about page edits and new form submissions

Integrating these tools into your design workflow will speed up the building of an effective loan landing page. Focus on the content and messaging, and let Unicorn Platform and its integrations handle the rest.

In summary, Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop builder, a mobile-friendly responsive design, and useful integrations to help you build your loan landing page faster. You can create a high-converting page in a short amount of time without needing any coding skills.

Customize Your Loan Landing Page

Once you have the basic framework set up for your loan landing page, it’s time to customize the content and design to match your brand and capture leads.

Choose a Stylish Template

Unicorn Platform offers beautifully designed templates to get you started. Browse through the options to find one that aligns with your brand image. Then customize the colors, fonts, and other elements to create a cohesive look and feel on your site.

Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it count. A good headline clearly states what you offer in an interesting way. For a loan page, focus on the key benefits like "Affordable Loans with No Hidden Fees" or "Fast Approval Process. Funds in Your Account Tomorrow." Keep it concise, around 6 to 10 words.

Share the Details

Use this space to provide the specifics of your loan offers. Include details on:

  • Interest rates and APRs for different loan terms
  • Loan amounts available
  • Fees and penalties, if any
  • Minimum eligibility criteria
  • Application process and timeline

Be transparent and straightforward with this information. Use visuals like tables, charts or icons to organize the details and make them easy to understand.

Highlight the Application Form

The application form is the most important part of your landing page. Place it prominently on the page, using image or text buttons to draw attention. Keep the form short, only requesting essential information to start the application process. Offer options to save and continue the application later.

Include Trust Signals

Including security badges, customer reviews, media mentions, or a professional bio for your team is a great way to build credibility and trust. Keeping all information on your landing page factual and compliant with lending regulations is also crucial. To create an effective loan landing page that inspires confidence and generates quality leads, follow these best practices. If you want to build your credit card landing page faster than ever, check out Unicorn Platform's article on the topic. With Unicorn Platform, you have a powerful yet simple tool to build and optimize your landing page. Let us know if you have any other questions!

Pre-Built Templates to Get You Started

When building your loan landing page, using pre-built templates is the fastest way to get started. Unicorn Platform offers professionally designed templates to choose from, allowing you to customize the layout and content to suit your needs.

Mobile-Optimized Templates

Unicorn Platform’s templates are fully responsive, meaning they automatically adapt to mobile devices and tablets to provide an optimal viewing experience for visitors on any screen. This is especially important for landing pages, as many visitors will first encounter your page on their phone.

Customizable Styling

While the templates provide a solid foundation, you have full control over colors, fonts, images, and other design elements. You can easily tweak the styling to align with your brand guidelines using the visual editor. Change background colors and images, swap out fonts, adjust spacing - the options are endless.


The templates include proven elements for generating leads and conversions, such as:

  • Eye-catching headlines
  • Strong calls-to-action (CTAs)
  • Lead capture forms
  • Benefit-focused copy
  • Social proof elements like testimonials

You simply need to customize the text and images to match your specific loan offer or program. The conversion-optimized templates will do the rest of the work for you.

Revision History

As you make changes to a template, Unicorn Platform automatically saves a revision history in case you want to revert back to a previous version. You can also save different versions of the same template, allowing you to test multiple layouts or content variations.

Using pre-built templates is the secret to building an effective loan landing page quickly and efficiently. Unicorn Platform’s mobile-friendly, customizable templates provide a professional starting point so you can focus on tweaking the details to best convey your loan offer. With conversion elements already included, the templates set you up for success from the very first draft.

Mobile-Friendly Responsive Designs
Mobile-Friendly Responsive Designs

Mobile-Friendly Responsive Designs

To maximize conversions, your loan landing page must have a mobile-friendly responsive design. According to studies, over half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices. If your page isn't optimized for smaller screens, you risk losing a huge portion of your potential customers.

Fluid Layouts

A responsive layout automatically adjusts to different screen sizes. As the viewport width changes, your page fluidly resizes images, text, and other elements to fit comfortably on the screen. This provides an optimal viewing experience for visitors on any device.

Mobile-First Approach

With a mobile-first design philosophy, you first build your page to work on small mobile screens. Then, as the screen size increases, your page gracefully scales up to take advantage of the additional real estate. This helps ensure your most important content and calls-to-action are always visible, no matter the device.

Touch-Friendly Navigation

On mobile devices, most visitors will interact with your page using touch gestures like swiping and tapping. Your navigation should be large enough, spaced appropriately, and contain clear touch targets to make it easy for visitors to get around your page.

Compressed Layout

On small screens, remove unnecessary page elements and compress your layout to highlight only the most important content and conversions. Remove sidebar content, limit internal page links, and strip away anything that isn't critical. A compressed layout helps reduce distractions and makes it simple for visitors to take action.

Following these best practices will allow you to create a loan landing page that provides an incredible experience for visitors on any device. By optimizing for mobile platforms first, you'll be able to reach more potential customers and gain higher conversion rates. Focus on responsive fluid layouts, mobile-first designs, touch-friendly navigation and compressed layouts to build a high-performing landing page.

Integrate With Your Tech Stack
Integrate With Your Tech Stack

Integrate With Your Tech Stack

To fully integrate Unicorn Platform with your existing tech stack, there are a few options to connect various tools and services.

Integrate with Zapier

Zapier is an integration platform that connects over 2,000 apps. With Zapier, you can automatically sync contacts between Unicorn Platform and your CRM or email marketing service. You can also set up automations to send new Unicorn Platform contacts or subscribers to your other tools.

Use the Unicorn Platform API

For developers, the Unicorn Platform API allows you to access your account data and build custom integrations. You can pull details like contact info, page data, form submissions, and more into your own apps or services. The API uses REST architecture and supports JSONP, CORS, and OAuth for security.

Set up Webhooks

Webhooks allow you to receive real-time notifications from Unicorn Platform when certain events happen. When a contact fills out a form or someone comments on your blog, a webhook can send that data directly to your app or workflow. You just specify a URL to receive the webhook and Unicorn Platform will POST to it anytime a selected activity occurs.

Third-party Integrations

There are also over a dozen third-party services that offer pre-built Unicorn Platform integrations. A few options include:

  • Zapier - 200+ app integrations including email, CRM, marketing, and more.
  • Integromat - A popular integration tool with connections for project management, customer support, and other services.
  • Workato - Automate business processes between 500+ apps including G Suite, Slack, Salesforce, and others.
  • PieSync - Keep contacts and companies in sync between Unicorn Platform and productivity tools like G Suite, Office 365, and Salesforce.
  • - Custom integration platform for connecting enterprise tools and automating workflows. Unicorn Platform is a supported integration partner.

With various options to integrate Unicorn Platform into your existing systems, you can build a seamless workflow between your website or blog and the other tools you rely on. Connecting services together ultimately helps you work more efficiently while providing a better overall experience for your contacts and customers.

A/B Testing to Optimize Conversions

To optimize your loan landing page and increase conversions, A/B testing different elements is key. ###Headline and Copy

Test different headlines, subheads, and body copy to find the most compelling options. For example, compare:

  • “Get a Personal Loan with Low Interest Rates” vs. “Affordable Personal Loans with Flexible Terms”
  • “Borrow up to $50,000 with a Fast Online Application” vs. “Quick & Easy Personal Loans”

See which resonates more with your audience by analyzing click-through and conversion rates.


Test different images like a group of diverse, smiling people vs. a single focused business person. Or try an image of someone working on a laptop vs. an image of coins or a piggy bank. Certain images may emotionally connect better with your audience.

CTA Button

Try different calls-to-action like “Apply Now” vs. “Get Started” or “Learn More”. See which CTA gets more clicks. You can also test button color, size and placement on the page.

Page Layout

Try different layouts for key page elements like:

  1. Having the form on the left vs. the right side
  2. Placing images and text side by side vs. having the image on top of the text
  3. Using 2 columns vs. 3 columns for content sections
  4. Including customer testimonials and reviews at the top vs. the bottom of the page

Monitor how changes to page layout impact visitor attention and interactions. The version with the most form fills and loan applications is likely the most effective layout.

Continuously optimizing your loan landing page through A/B testing will enable you to make data-driven decisions to improve your click-through rates, lead capture and loan applications. Experimenting with different elements and measuring performance is the key to creating a high-converting landing page and succeeding at lead generation. Keep testing and optimizing to build the most compelling experience for your audience.

Unicorn Platform FAQs: Your Most Common Questions Answered

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder that allows you to create customized landing pages without any coding required. It offers simple drag and drop functionality to add elements like text, images, buttons, and more. Unicorn Platform was created to help companies build beautiful landing pages in minutes.

Do I need any technical skills to use Unicorn Platform?

No, Unicorn Platform was designed to be used by anyone without any web design or development experience. It features an intuitive interface and drag and drop builder to make creating landing pages simple and straightforward. No HTML, CSS, or other coding knowledge is required.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers a free plan to get started as well as paid plans with additional features. Paid plans start at $12 per month and include options like:

  • Custom domain
  • Email marketing integrations
  • Additional page templates
  • Priority support

Can I create a mobile-friendly landing page?

Yes, all landing pages created with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive and mobile-friendly. They will automatically adapt to any screen size, whether viewers are accessing your page from a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. You don’t need to create a separate mobile landing page.

Do you offer any templates or do I have to design from scratch?

Unicorn Platform provides professionally designed landing page templates to choose from so you don’t have to start from scratch. You can select a template and easily customize it by rearranging sections, changing colors, adding your own text and images. We offer templates for things like:

  • Lead capture
  • Webinar registration
  • Product launch
  • Coming soon page
  • And more

You can also start from a blank canvas and build your own custom landing page. Either way, Unicorn Platform makes the design process quick and painless.

How do I get started with Unicorn Platform?

Getting started with Unicorn Platform is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a free Unicorn Platform account
  2. Select a landing page template or start from scratch
  3. Drag and drop to add sections like a header, images, buttons, and a signup form
  4. Customize the design, colors, and text to match your brand
  5. Connect your custom domain or use the Unicorn Platform domain
  6. Launch your landing page and start collecting leads!

Unicorn Platform provides an easy way for companies to create high-converting landing pages in a few simple steps. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our support team. We're here to help you succeed


You now have a powerful yet simple tool at your fingertips to create high-converting loan landing pages. With Unicorn Platform, you can build and customize your own professional landing page in minutes without any coding required. Focus on your loan products and marketing messaging while the platform handles the design and technical aspects. Your customers will appreciate a seamless experience, and you'll benefit from higher conversion rates and a faster growth trajectory. Why wait? Sign up for a free Unicorn Platform account today and start building your loan landing page. The results will speak for themselves.

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Built on Unicorn Platform