Build a Responsive Car Dealer Website in Minutes

published on 27 July 2023

As an automobile dealer, you know that your website is the digital front door to your business. It's where customers get their first impression and decide whether to visit your lot. That's why having a modern, mobile-friendly website is crucial. Unfortunately, building an attractive yet responsive website requires technical skills that most car dealers don't have time to develop.

But don't worry, there's a solution! With Unicorn Platform, you can create a stunning automotive website in minutes, without any coding skills. Check out their blog post on automotive website design made simple to learn more about how you can elevate your online presence and attract more customers to your lot.

What Is a Responsive Car Dealer Website?

A responsive car dealer website is designed to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices from desktop computers to mobile phones. The layout and content dynamically adapt to the screen size of any device. This means images resize, text reflows, and elements rearrange to suit the platform.

For car dealers, a responsive website is essential since many customers search for vehicles on their phones and tablets. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you risk losing those potential leads and sales. A responsive design also improves the user experience by providing easy reading and navigation, no matter the device.

To build a responsive car dealer website, you’ll need a theme made specifically for dealerships that is built using a responsive framework. Some recommended options are:

  • Bootstrap - Free, open-source, and the most popular responsive framework.
  • Foundation - Also free and open-source, with a simple grid system.
  • Unicorn Platform - Drag & drop responsive builder with 70+ car dealer website templates.

With a responsive theme, your inventory, contact forms, hours of operation, and other critical info will display attractively across devices. You’ll want to:

  • Show vehicle images prominently on the homepage.
  • Include eye-catching calls-to-action like “View Inventory” and “Get Preapproved.”
  • Share your latest special offers, deals and discounts.
  • Provide an easy way for customers to schedule test drives and get price quotes.
  • Optimize your site for local search to increase traffic from mobile users.

A responsive car dealer website built using a dedicated theme and framework is the best way to boost your digital marketing and connect with today's device-agnostic customers. Putting in the effort to create an exceptional responsive mobile experience can lead to more leads, sales, and success for your dealership.

Why Your Dealership Needs a Responsive Website

As a car dealership, your website is the digital front door to your business. It’s often the first impression potential customers will have of your dealership, so you want to make it count. A responsive website designed specifically for dealerships has significant benefits:

  • Reach more customers. Over half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices. A responsive website with a mobile-friendly design ensures your website displays properly on any device, so you’ll be visible to all potential car buyers.
  • Improve user experience. Responsive websites provide an optimal viewing experience across devices with features like large buttons, minimal scrolling, and an intuitive layout. This makes it easy for visitors to find the vehicles and information they need.
  • Boost lead generation. With a responsive website equipped with lead capture forms, live chat, and calls-to-action, you’ll generate more leads from your website traffic. These leads can then be nurtured through your sales process.
  • Stand out from competitors. A modern, user-friendly website helps to establish your dealership as a reputable, tech-savvy business. This differentiation is key in such a competitive industry.
  • Save time and money. A dedicated platform for dealerships has templates and features tailored to your needs. This makes building and managing your website simple and cost-effective. There’s no need to hire expensive web developers.

In today’s digital world, your website is the heart of your dealership's online presence and success. Using a specialized responsive website builder is the best way to create an impressive website that will win more customers and have a real impact on your bottom line. Give your dealership the platform it deserves.

Key Features of Dealer Responsive Websites

To build an effective responsive dealer website, several key features are essential. Implementing these components will allow you to create an intuitive and user-friendly experience for your visitors.

Responsive Design

A responsive design adapts to any screen size, whether viewed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. This is critical for car dealer websites, as many customers search for vehicles on their phones or tablets. A responsive theme with a fluid grid layout and flexible images will automatically resize and reorganize content to fit the screen.

Large Imagery

High-quality photos are essential for showcasing your vehicle inventory. Include multiple photos of each vehicle from different angles, both interior and exterior. Photo galleries, image sliders and lightboxes allow visitors to see images in more detail.

Vehicle Listings

The vehicle listings page should be the centerpiece of your website. Visitors can filter, compare and sort through your current pre-owned and new vehicle inventory. Include details for each vehicle like make, model, year, price, mileage, trim level and features. Allow visitors to save their favorite vehicles to review later.

Lead Capture Forms

Include lead capture forms on your website so visitors can request price quotes, schedule test drives or get pre-approved for financing. Capture information like name, email, phone number and the vehicle they are interested in. These leads can then be followed up through calls, texts or emails by your sales team.

Blog or News Page

A blog, news or press page on your site establishes you as an authority in the automotive industry. Post updates about new models, share vehicle reviews and buying guides, highlight awards or accomplishments and keep the public informed about events or community outreach programs. Fresh, informative content will give visitors a reason to return to your website again and again. Another great way to establish your dealership's

presence online is by building a high-quality responsive website, which can easily be done with the help of Unicorn Platform's AI-powered website maker. An intuitive user experience, engaging visual content and useful tools like lead forms are the key to connecting with customers and driving more sales.

How to Choose a Responsive Car Dealer Website Builder
How to Choose a Responsive Car Dealer Website Builder

How to Choose a Responsive Car Dealer Website Builder

When choosing a website builder for your car dealership, there are several factors to consider:

Ease of Use

An intuitive drag and drop builder with predefined templates and elements will allow you to create a professional website quickly without needing advanced technical skills. Look for a builder that is easy to navigate and provides helpful tutorials and support to get started.

Responsive Design

With more people accessing the web via mobile devices, a responsive design that displays properly on any screen size is essential. The builder you choose should generate a mobile-friendly website that provides an optimal viewing experience for your visitors, regardless of the device they are using.


While pre-built templates and elements can speed up the design process, you want flexibility to customize the look and feel to match your dealership’s unique brand. Seek out a builder that offers a variety of fonts, color palettes, and design elements to choose from. The ability to add your own text, images, and multimedia is also important.


Many website builders offer app marketplaces where you can connect third-party tools to extend the functionality of your site. Look for options to integrate a live chat, online scheduling, lead generation forms, social media feeds, and blog tools. Integrating a car inventory tool to display current vehicle listings on your site is especially useful for auto dealers.

SEO Features

A website is useless if no one can find it, so search engine optimization capabilities are key. Choose a builder with features like meta title and description creation, URL slugging, alt text for images, and blog/news sitemaps to help search engines index and rank your site.


Car dealer website builders range from free to several hundred dollars per month. Compare options based on the features and level of support you need to find one that fits your budget. Some builders charge a monthly subscription fee while others allow you to pay annually at a lower cost. A few even provide lifetime plans for a one-time flat rate.

By evaluating website builders based on these factors, you can determine which solution will meet the needs of your car dealership and allow you to build an attractive, high-performing site. Focus on options that balance usability, customization, and built-in SEO to create an online presence that will drive more leads and sales.

Top Website Builders for Car Dealerships Compared

When choosing a website builder for your car dealership, there are several factors to consider to find the right solution. This article compares five of the top website builders for car dealers to help you make an informed decision.

Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use drag and drop website builder designed specifically for car dealerships. It offers responsive car dealer website templates, an integrated inventory management system to showcase your vehicles, and lead generation forms to capture customer information. Unicorn Platform starts at $29/month. provides responsive car dealer websites with built-in SEO, social media integration, and analytics. Their platform offers a variety of packages with tiered pricing from $99 to $499/month depending on the number of features and level of customization. is suited for mid-size to large dealerships looking for an end-to-end solution.

Dealer Spike

Dealer Spike builds responsive car dealer websites with bold designs, inventory management, live chat, and marketing tools. Pricing ranges from $99 to $299/month. Dealer Spike is a good option for small to mid-size dealers on a budget looking for an easy-to-use platform with essential features.


DealerFire creates high-performance car dealer websites with advanced SEO, digital marketing, and analytics features. Packages start at $300/month. DealerFire is ideal for mid-size to enterprise dealerships focused on lead generation and online sales.

Blue Sky eLearn

Blue Sky eLearn offers interactive video training and certification programs for automotive dealership websites and digital marketing. Their video courses provide an in-depth education on how to build a high-converting car dealer website, optimize for search engines, and implement an effective social media strategy. Blue Sky eLearn starts at $99/month for their basic video training platform.

In summary, there are capable website builders for car dealerships of any size and budget. Evaluate your needs and priorities to determine which solution will most benefit your business. With the right platform and strategy, you can build a responsive website to help you sell more vehicles.

How to Build a Responsive Car Dealer Website in 3 Easy Steps with Unicorn Platform

To build a responsive car dealer website in just a few minutes, follow these simple steps:

Select a Theme

Choose from Unicorn Platform’s selection of modern, responsive themes designed specifically for car dealerships and automotive businesses. Themes offer different layouts, color schemes, and functionality to suit your needs.

Add Your Inventory

Import your vehicle inventory to showcase your current stock on the website. Add details like make, model, year, mileage, price, photos, and descriptions. Organize vehicles by categories like new, used, certified pre-owned, trucks, SUVs, etc. to make it easy for customers to browse.

Customize Your Site

Modify the theme to reflect your dealership’s unique brand. Upload your logo, choose a complimentary color palette, and add custom graphics. Edit text and include details about your dealership such as your mission, history, services, contact information, hours of operation, and location(s).

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop website builder makes it simple to create a professional, modern car dealer website without any coding required. In just a few minutes, you can have a responsive website that will:

  • Showcase your vehicle inventory to attract new customers.
  • Highlight your dealership’s brand, services, and reputation to build trust.
  • Provide an easy way for customers to contact you and get directions to your location(s).
  • Work on any device with a responsive design that automatically adjusts to fit different screen sizes.
  • Rank higher in search engines like Google with optimized content.

With a stylish yet functional car dealer website, you’ll drive more traffic, connect with customers, and boost sales. Unicorn Platform gives you an affordable, all-in-one solution to build a responsive website that meets the needs of today’s car buyers and stands out from your competitors.

Tips for Designing an Effective Car Dealer Website
Tips for Designing an Effective Car Dealer Website

Tips for Designing an Effective Car Dealer Website

When designing an effective website for a car dealership, there are several key tips to keep in mind:

Focus on High-Quality Images

Include professional photos of your vehicle inventory, especially close-up shots of the interior and exterior. Potential customers want to visually inspect the cars they’re interested in before visiting the lot.

Optimize for Mobile

With more people accessing the web via smartphones and tablets, your site must be responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Use a simple, uncluttered layout with large buttons and text that is easy to read and navigate on smaller screens.

Highlight Your Best Deals

Draw attention to any current sales, promotions or special offers on your homepage. Update these sections regularly to keep customers engaged. You might also consider a separate “Hot Deals” or “Specials” page.

Emphasize Customer Reviews

Build credibility by featuring reviews and testimonials from your satisfied clients. Keep them authentic and unedited. Positive reviews can go a long way in convincing website visitors to come see your dealership.

Include Contact Information Prominently

Your address, phone number, email and hours of operation should be highly visible on your website, ideally in the header or footer. Make it as easy as possible for customers to get in touch and come visit your lot.

Blog about News and Trends

An active blog discussing current industry topics, new models, safety ratings, and trends in the automotive sector establishes you as an authority. It also gives you an opportunity to attract organic search traffic and engage potential customers.

Keep Content Up to Date

Stale, outdated information gives a poor impression. Double check that all details like contact info, staff bios, vehicle listings, and blog posts are kept current. Update your site regularly or at minimum once per quarter to maintain an image of an active, thriving dealership.

Following these tips will help you design an effective, user-friendly website for your car dealership that inspires confidence, builds trust, and motivates customers to contact you. With a polished web presence and consistent updates, you'll be driving more sales in no time.

Optimizing Your Dealer Responsive Websites for SEO

To optimize your responsive car dealer website for search engine optimization (SEO), focus on the following key areas:

Page titles and metadata

The page title and metadata provide information about your page to search engines. Keep your page title under 60 characters and include important keywords, your business name and location. The metadata description should be under 155 characters and include a call to action, keywords and a brief summary of the page content.


Use clear section headings that include important keywords. Start with an H1 header for your page title, then use H2 and H3 headings for subsections. Place important keywords in headings to signal to search engines what the page is about.


Fill your page with informative content related to your business and keywords. Aim for at least 300 to 500 words of content for small pages and 1,000 words or more for larger pages. Use keywords naturally throughout your content, with a keyword density of about 1 to 2 percent. Discuss products, services, features and benefits that would interest potential customers.

Image alt text

Include alt text for all images on your site. Alt text is the description that appears if an image fails to load. It also helps search engines understand your images. Use keywords in your alt text and keep descriptions under 125 characters.

Internal linking

Link to other relevant content on your site. Use anchor text that includes keywords when linking. Internal linking helps search engines discover your content and understand how pages relate to each other.

Page load speed

Work to optimize your page load speed, as it impacts your search rankings and user experience. Compress images, minimize redirects, cache static content and remove unused code. Most car dealer sites should load in under 3 seconds to rank well.

Optimizing for search engines requires time and continuous monitoring. Make SEO an ongoing part of managing your responsive car dealer website to help potential customers discover your business. Consistently optimizing page titles, content, alt text, internal linking, page load speed and other factors will improve your search rankings over the long run.

Responsive Car Dealer Website FAQs: Common Questions Answered

When building a responsive car dealer website, you likely have some questions about the process and key considerations. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions to help you create an effective web presence:

What is a responsive car dealer website?

A responsive car dealer website is designed to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from desktop computers to mobile phones. The layout and content automatically adjust to the screen size of any device. This means the website is easy to navigate and all information is accessible on any device. For car dealers, a responsive website is essential to provide a good customer experience.

Why do I need a responsive website?

According to recent studies, over 60% of people searching for vehicles online use mobile devices. If your website is not responsive, it will be difficult to view and navigate on mobile devices, frustrating potential customers and damaging your business. A responsive website helps you take advantage of the large number of mobile car buyers, allowing you to reach more customers and sell more vehicles.

What features should I include?

The most important features for a car dealer website include:

  • New and used vehicle listings with photos, prices and vehicle details
  • A contact page with your business address, phone number and email clearly displayed
  • Service and parts department pages outlining offerings and hours
  • Blog or news page to share dealership updates and automotive tips
  • Responsive design so the site looks professional on all screen sizes
  • Easy site navigation so visitors can find what they need quickly

How much does it cost to build a responsive car dealer website?

The cost to build a responsive car dealer website can range from $3,000 to $30,000 or more, depending on the complexity and number of features. Packages often include options for a certain number of vehicle listings, blog posts, and lead generation tools. Many website builders and designers offer affordable monthly payment plans to spread the cost over time. An investment in a high-quality, responsive website will help your dealership stand out and generate more leads and sales.

How long does it take to build a responsive car dealer website?

The time to build a responsive car dealer website can take between 2 to 8 weeks or longer depending on the specific features and complexity. The actual development of a standard 5 to 10 page website with a blog, inventory listings, and a contact page typically takes 40 to 100 hours for an experienced web designer or development team. However, the full process including planning, design, content development, testing, and launch can take 2 months or more to complete. Rushing the process often compromises quality, so allow adequate time.


You now have the tools and knowledge to build an eye-catching responsive website for your car dealership in just minutes. Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop interface so you can create customized pages and blog posts to showcase your latest models and promotions. With built-in SEO, social media integration, and lead generation forms, you'll be able to connect with more customers and drive more sales. Stop wasting time and money on expensive web developers and designers. Take control of your digital presence and build a responsive car dealer website that exceeds your customers' expectations. The future of your business is just a few clicks away with Unicorn Platform.

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