A Beginner's Guide to Building a Podcast Landing Page

updated on 25 April 2024

As an aspiring podcaster, you’ve invested hours of time and resources into crafting your show. Now it’s time to create a dedicated space for your podcast on the internet - an essential podcast landing page. A well-designed landing page is the gateway to building your audience, allowing new listeners to discover your show and current fans to engage further with your content. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll walk you through how to easily build an attractive podcast landing page using the Unicorn Platform website builder. With their simple drag and drop interface, even those without technical experience can create a professional page to represent their podcast. Read on to learn the basics of building your podcast’s online home.

For more information on building engaging landing pages, check out Unicorn Platform's guide on creating an engaging coming soon page.

Landing Page Builder - Unicorn Platform

To build an effective landing page for your podcast, you will need to consider several key elements. By following the steps below, you can create a landing page that engages your audience and converts listeners.

First, choose a simple and minimal design. A clean, uncluttered layout will allow your content to shine through. If you're looking for simple and effective eBook landing page examples as inspiration for your podcast landing page, our article provides valuable insights on this topic. Check out 5 Simple and Effective eBook Landing Page Examples. Select a template with plenty of white space and a minimal number of design elements. Focus on a single, high-quality photo or graphic to capture attention if desired.

Next, write an attention-grabbing headline. Your headline should capture the essence of your show and draw the reader in. Mention the topic, theme, or a compelling question your show explores. For example, “Stories of Inspiring Women Who Changed History” or “What Really Happened: The True Stories Behind History's Mysteries.”

Then, in 2-3 short paragraphs, describe your show. Share the concept, format (e.g. solo show, co-hosted, interview-based), frequency of new episodes, and ideal audience. Mention the value listeners will get and any notable guests or topics covered. Invite the reader to subscribe to your show.

Finally, include social proof like reviews or ratings to build credibility. For a new show, get friends and family to leave reviews. Also, list the platforms where listeners can subscribe, like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, etc.

With a simple yet compelling landing page that highlights the key details of your podcast, you will capture the interest of listeners and gain new subscribers. Building an audience may take time, but with a well-crafted landing page, you will be off to a strong start. Stay consistent, release high-quality content, and your listenership will continue to grow over time.  

Selecting a Template for Your Podcast on Unicorn Platform

To build an effective landing page for your podcast on Unicorn Platform, you have several template options to choose from. The template you select should align with your podcast’s brand and appeal to your target listeners.

Option 1: The Simple Template

For podcasters looking for a straightforward design, the Simple template provides a minimalistic single-page layout. It includes sections for:

  • A header with your podcast name and logo
  • A brief show description
  • Latest episode listings (with audio players)
  • A call-to-action button (e.g. Subscribe)
  • Social media links

This pared-down template puts the focus on your content and messaging. Its clean, uncluttered style suits podcasts across many genres.

Option 2: The Media-Rich Template

If you want to showcase evocative imagery and video in addition to your audio content, consider the Media-Rich template. This multi-page template provides space for:

  • An eye-catching hero image or video on the home page
  • A section highlighting your podcast’s hosts or creators
  • Categories to browse episodes by topic
  • A “Latest Episodes” section with large episode images
  • An “About” page to share your podcast’s story and mission

For podcasts focused on current events, travel, arts and culture or entertainment, the Media-Rich template’s visual elements can enhance engagement with your listeners.

Option 3: The Interactive Template

For a interactive experience, select the Interactive template. This template incorporates:

  • User comments and discussions
  • Polls and surveys
  • Email signup forms allowing listeners to share their interests
  • A “Suggest a Topic” page where listeners can submit ideas

The Interactive template fosters a vibrant community and deeper connections with your audience. If building relationships and listener participation are priorities, this template is an excellent choice.

In summary, Unicorn Platform offers templates tailored to a range of podcasting needs and styles. Select the option that best represents your show’s brand and will most resonate with your listeners. With a little customization, any of these templates can become the perfect home for your podcast.

Customizing Your Podcast Landing Page

To customize your podcast landing page, follow these steps:

First, choose a template that suits your podcast’s genre and branding. The template you select will determine the overall layout and styling of your page. Look for one with a minimal, uncluttered design so your content remains the focus.

Next, upload your podcast cover art and add your show’s details. Include your podcast name, description, host(s) information, and categories/tags to help visitors discover your show. You’ll also want to embed your latest episodes so new listeners can get a sense of your content.

Then, highlight what makes your podcast unique. Share your show’s mission or purpose to build a connection with your audience. You might discuss the topics you cover, your format (solo show, interviews, etc.), or your experience and credentials. Keep this section concise while conveying your enthusiasm for the subject matter.

After that, add clear calls-to-action like “Subscribe now” or “Follow on Spotify.” Place buttons for your podcast’s RSS feed, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and any other platforms where listeners can follow you. Make these buttons prominent and easy to spot.

Finally, include social media links so visitors can connect with you and your show on other channels. Having an active social media presence, especially on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, helps to increase your visibility and build your listener base.

With a customized podcast landing page, you’ll give your new and existing listeners an optimized experience to explore your show, hear your latest episodes, and follow you across platforms. Put in the work to craft a page that reflects your show’s personality and values. Your listeners will appreciate your effort in creating a dedicated space just for them.

Adding Your Podcast Artwork and Logo

To build an effective podcast landing page, you must prominently feature your podcast artwork and logo. Your podcast artwork, like your cover photo, helps to visually represent your show and gives visitors an immediate sense of your brand. Your podcast logo is also vital for building brand recognition and should be displayed prominently on your landing page.

Adding Your Podcast Artwork

Unicorn Platform makes it easy to add your podcast artwork. Simply upload your cover photo by going to ‘Settings’ → ‘Podcast’. Select ‘Add cover photo’ and choose an image that is at least 1400x1400 pixels. Your cover photo will then automatically appear at the top of your landing page.

For the best results, use a high-quality image that resonates with your target audience. You may want to consider including your podcast logo, episode images, or other graphics that represent your show’s brand and content. Keep your cover photo consistent across platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify to strengthen brand recognition.

Adding Your Podcast Logo

In addition to your podcast artwork, you should prominently display your podcast logo on the landing page. Your logo is a visual representation of your brand and helps to create instant recognition with visitors.

To add your logo, go to ‘Settings’ → ‘Branding’. Select ‘Add logo’ and upload an image that is at least 512x512 pixels. For the best quality, use an SVG or PNG file. Your logo will appear in the top left corner of your landing page, next to your site name.

You can then use your logo throughout your landing page on elements like:

  • Your email signup form
  • Social sharing buttons
  • Episode feature blocks
  • Blog post headers

Consistently displaying your podcast logo and artwork is key to building a strong brand and visual identity for your show. Leverage the Unicorn Platform to easily add and prominently feature these visual elements on your landing page. With compelling artwork and consistent branding, you'll make a great first impression on visitors and encourage them to become loyal listeners.

Check out Creative Fabrica to obtain incredible logos!

Writing an Attention-Grabbing Headline for Your Podcast Landing Page
Writing an Attention-Grabbing Headline for Your Podcast Landing Page

Writing an Attention-Grabbing Headline for Your Podcast Landing Page

Your podcast landing page headline is one of the most important elements on the page. It needs to capture attention and convince visitors to listen to your show. Here are some tips for writing an effective headline:

Keep It Short and Sweet

Aim for a headline that is 6 words or less. Shorter headlines are more attention-grabbing and easier to read. Get straight to the point about what your podcast is about. For example, “Stories of Startup Struggles and Successes” or “The Science of Productivity Hacks.”

Highlight the Benefit

Tell visitors the key benefit or outcome they will get from listening to your podcast. For example, “Learn How to Double Your Productivity in 30 Days” or “Discover Your Path to Financial Freedom.” Focus on the transformation or result.

Use Power Words

Include power words like “secrets,” “strategies,” “hacks,” “shortcuts,” or “discover.” These types of words attract interest and imply valuable information. For example, “The Productivity Hacks Top CEOs Don't Want You to Know.”

Ask a Question

Pose an interesting question in your headline to instantly engage your audience. For example, “What If You Could Work 4 Hours a Week and Retire in 5 Years?” Questions work well because people want to know the answer.

Include the Episode Number or Name

If highlighting a specific podcast episode, include the episode name or number in the headline. For example, “Episode 23: How to Get 1 Million Podcast Downloads.” This helps give visitors more context about what the episode will cover.

Review and Test Multiple Options

Come up with 3-5 different headline options to A/B test on your landing page. See which option gets the most clicks to determine the winner. You may also want to ask friends for their input on which choice they find most compelling. The headline that generates the most interest is the one to go with for your podcast landing page.

Continually improving your headline and landing page based on feedback and data will help maximize your podcast subscribers and listeners over time. Keep testing new options to find what works best for your audience.

Sharing Your Podcast Description

The description of your podcast is one of the most important elements on your landing page. It gives new listeners a quick overview of your show and helps them determine if they want to start listening. An effective description should cover:

  • The topic or theme of your podcast. Briefly explain the main subject or focus of your show. For example, “The Podcast Name podcast features interviews with leaders in the health and wellness industry.”
  • The format and structure. Mention if your podcast includes interviews, solo shows, co-hosts, etc. For example, “Each episode features a one-on-one interview with a influential guest.”
  • The value to listeners. Explain how your podcast will benefit or impact the audience. For example, “Listeners will gain actionable insights and advice to improve their health, productivity, and life balance.”
  • Your background and credibility. Briefly mention your relevant experience, qualifications, and credentials that make you suitable to host this podcast. Keep this to 1 or 2 sentences.
  • Frequency of new episodes. Note how often you release new episodes, such as weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. For example, “New episodes are released every Tuesday.”
  • Call to action. Include a clear CTA that encourages people to start listening to your podcast, such as: “Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!”

An example of a well-written podcast description:

“The Productivity Masterclass podcast features interviews with leaders in business, technology, and personal development. In each bi-weekly episode, I sit down with influential guests to discuss strategies, insights, and stories related to efficiency and work-life balance. Listeners will gain actionable tips to improve their productivity, optimize their time, and achieve more meaningful results. With over 10 years of experience as a productivity coach, I aim to share practical wisdom that really works. New episodes are released every other Tuesday. Listen now on your favorite podcast app to start mastering your productivity!”

Following these best practices will help you craft an effective and compelling podcast description for your landing page. Be sure to speak directly to your target audience, highlight the key benefits and value of your show, build credibility, and include a clear call-to-action to start listening. Keep your description concise yet impactful, around 2 to 3 short paragraphs. With an informative podcast description, you'll draw more listeners into your show and build a dedicated audience.

Adding Social Proof With Reviews and Testimonials
Adding Social Proof With Reviews and Testimonials

Adding Social Proof With Reviews and Testimonials

Social proof refers to evidence that shows your target audience enjoys and benefits from your product or service. For a podcast, social proof comes in the form of reviews and testimonials from loyal listeners. Adding genuine reviews and testimonials to your podcast landing page is an impactful way to build trust and credibility with new visitors.

Collecting Reviews and Testimonials

To gather reviews and testimonials for your podcast, consider reaching out to dedicated listeners who frequently engage with your content. You can request an audio review to include on your show, or ask listeners to provide a written review for your landing page. Be sure to offer clear instructions for how they can submit their review. Some options include:

  • Email: Provide an email address where listeners can send their written review. This allows you to easily collect and organize reviews to feature on your landing page.
  • Survey form: Create a simple online form with a few open-ended questions about your listener's experience with the show. For example, you might ask what they enjoy most about the podcast, how it has impacted them, and if they would recommend it to others.
  • Social media: Promote your review campaign on platforms where your listeners actively engage, such as your podcast's Facebook group or subreddit. Request that listeners post their written or audio review there using a special hashtag. You can then gather and repost the best reviews on your landing page.

Featuring Reviews on Your Landing Page

Once you have collected authentic reviews and testimonials from real listeners, feature them prominently on your podcast landing page. You might include:

  • Direct quotes from written reviews with the listener's name and location. For example: "The perspectives shared on this show are truly eye-opening. I learn something new with every episode." - Amanda T., Seattle, WA
  • Embedded audio reviews so visitors can hear directly from listeners. Keep audio clips to 30 seconds or less.
  • A "Reviews" section on your landing page with multiple quotes and audio reviews grouped together. This social proof section should be placed high on the page, ideally just below your headline and show description.

Displaying real reviews and testimonials from dedicated fans is a compelling way to build trust and showcase the value of your podcast to new visitors. Be sure to continuously gather new reviews over time to keep your social proof section up-to-date and authentic.

Offering a Lead Magnet to Build Your Email List

To build your email list and stay in touch with your podcast listeners, offer a lead magnet. A lead magnet is something of value you give away in exchange for someone's email address. For a podcast, a great lead magnet is a downloadable transcript, worksheet, or checklist that supplements an episode.

When deciding on your lead magnet, think about what would serve your audience and align with your podcast topic. For example, if you have an episode on productivity tips, create a printable checklist of the tips. If you interview an expert, provide a summary or transcript of the interview. These types of lead magnets are useful to your listeners but require them to provide their email address to access it.

To create your lead magnet:

  1. Choose 3-5 actionable tips, key takeaways or main points from one of your podcast episodes. Flesh these out into a bulleted list, short worksheet or checklist.
  2. Design an eye-catching graphic or image to represent your lead magnet. This could be as simple as a Canva designed image with your podcast logo and the title of your lead magnet.
  3. Upload your lead magnet as a PDF to your website or an online file sharing service like Google Drive or Dropbox. Make sure the link to access the lead magnet goes to a landing page on your website.
  4. On your landing page, explain what the lead magnet is, how it supplements your podcast episode and what listeners will gain from it. Be sure to include an email signup form for visitors to enter their email address to receive the link to download your lead magnet.
  5. Once someone enters their email, send them an autoresponder email with the link to download your lead magnet. Be sure to include a welcome message, link to your podcast and an option for them to unsubscribe from your list.
  6. Continue creating useful lead magnets to pair with your podcast episodes. Release a new lead magnet at least once a month to continue growing your email list and engaging your listeners.

Using lead magnets is an effective way to provide value to your podcast listeners, build your email list and keep the conversation going between episodes. With consistency, your email list and podcast community will continue to grow over time.

Podcast Landing Page FAQs: Common Questions Answered

As you build your podcast landing page, you may have some questions about best practices and what to include. Here are answers to some of the most common questions from podcasters creating their first landing page.

What is the purpose of a podcast landing page?

A podcast landing page serves as the home base for your show on the web. It's where you can share details about your podcast, build your email list, and point listeners to subscribe on their favorite podcast app. An effective landing page helps establish your show's branding and gives new listeners a place to learn more about you and your content.

What elements should I include on my podcast landing page?

The key elements to include on your podcast landing page are:

  • Your podcast artwork and logo to reinforce your branding
  • An enthusiastic welcome message introducing your show
  • A few sentences describing your podcast topic, format, and host(s)
  • A call-to-action like "Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts" with links to all major podcast apps
  • An email opt-in form to build your list of loyal listeners
  • Latest episode information or an episode archive so people can sample your content
  • Social media links so visitors can connect with you on other platforms

Should I include an email opt-in on my podcast landing page?

Absolutely. Building an email list of dedicated listeners is one of the most important things you can do to grow your podcast audience. Include an opt-in form on your landing page, offer an incentive like a free bonus episode or show notes, and promote your email list in each episode. Email is still the most effective way to reach your listeners, build community, and increase engagement.

What podcast hosting service do you recommend?

We recommend choosing a podcast hosting service like Buzzsprout, Captivate, or Podbean. They make it easy to upload your episodes, distribute your show to all major podcast apps, build your landing page, and track insightful analytics. Most are very affordable, with plans starting at $12/month. The time saved and professional results are well worth the investment.

With the right hosting service and an effective landing page, you'll be well on your way to launching a successful podcast. Let us know if you have any other questions!


As a podcaster, building an effective landing page is key to gaining new listeners and growing your audience. By focusing on a simple and clean design, highlighting what makes your show unique, and including clear calls-to-action, you'll have new subscribers in no time. Using a tool like Unicorn Platform can help even beginners create a custom landing page to match their podcast's brand and share their message. While it may seem daunting, starting with the basics and learning as you go will set you up for success. With a well-designed landing page, consistent high-quality content, and word-of-mouth marketing, you'll be well on your way to podcast fame. Now get out there, spread the word, and start building your audience. The only limit is your imagination.

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