7 Secrets of Lead Generation Page Design

published on 27 July 2023

As an entrepreneur, you know that an effective landing page is crucial for converting visitors into leads and customers. However, designing an engaging landing page that motivates people to take action can be challenging. With so many elements to consider including images, copy, call-to-action buttons, and form fields, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the process.

The good news is that by following a few proven secrets of lead generation page design, you can create a high-converting landing page for your business. In this article, we will explore seven essential strategies for optimizing your landing page and turning more visitors into leads. By the end, you'll have actionable tips for crafting an landing page that generates more leads and accelerates the growth of your company.

What is Lead Generation Page Design
What is Lead Generation Page Design

What is Lead Generation Page Design

To generate high-quality leads, your landing page design is crucial. An effective lead generation page has several key elements:

Clear Headline

A strong headline grabs attention and communicates your key message. Keep it concise, compelling, and focused on your reader's needs. For example, "The Fastest Way to Learn Spanish in Just 5 Minutes a Day".

Benefit-Focused Copy

Your copy should focus on the benefits to the reader, not features of your product. Explain how you will solve their problems or meet their needs. Use an active voice and second-person pronouns to speak directly to your reader. Keep paragraphs short, around 3 to 4 sentences.

Social Proof

Include testimonials, reviews, case studies, or statistics demonstrating your product's effectiveness. Social proof builds trust and confidence in your solution.

Strong Call-to-Action

A clear call-to-action, like a signup form or purchase button, gives your readers a concrete way to take the next step. Place your CTA prominently on the page, using a contrasting color.

High-Quality Visuals

Professional images, graphics, illustrations or product photos help bring your key messages to life. They make your page more engaging and scannable. Ensure any visuals load fast and have informative alt text for accessibility.

Minimal Distractions

Avoid cluttering your page with too many links, ads, or navigation options which distract from your CTA. Keep the page clean, uncluttered, and focused.

By following these best practices, you'll create a lead generation page that captures attention, builds trust in your solution, and motivates visitors to take action. With continual testing and optimization, your landing page can become a vital key to business growth.

Choose a Simple Layout

To create an effective lead generation page, the layout and design are crucial. A simple, clean layout will allow your message to shine through without distraction. Here are some tips for choosing a straightforward layout:

Focus on one goal or conversion. Have a single call-to-action like a contact form, signup button or product purchase. Don't confuse visitors with too many options.

Use plenty of white space. Leave empty space around elements like your headline, images and call-to-action button. White space makes a page appear simple and helps guide the visitor's eye.

Limit the number of columns. For most lead gen pages, one or two columns are ideal. Multiple columns can seem cluttered and make it difficult to highlight your key message.

Minimize the menu. For a lead capture page, you only need a few links like 'Home', 'About Us' and 'Contact'. An overcomplicated menu distracts from your goal.

Use high-quality visuals. Professional stock photos and graphics lend credibility. But don't overcrowd the page. Each visual element should have a purpose, like reinforcing your headline or product benefits.

With a minimal, uncluttered layout, strategic use of white space, limited columns, a simplified menu and high-quality visuals, your lead generation page will have a simple yet professional design. The focused layout will guide visitors to take your desired action. Keep it straightforward and let your persuasive copy and irresistible offer shine through.

Use an Attention-Grabbing Headline

An attention-grabbing headline is essential for capturing interest and enticing readers to continue exploring your lead generation page. Craft a compelling headline that speaks directly to your target audience and conveys the key benefit or solution offered.

Keep it Short and Scannable

Aim for a headline that is 6 words or less so it is easy to read quickly. Use an active tense and compelling language to create a sense of urgency or excitement. For example, “Discover the Secret to Generating 100+ High-Quality Leads Per Month”. Keep the tone consistent with your brand messaging and the overall page content.

Highlight the Key Benefit

Concisely convey the top benefit or solution you offer to capture interest, such as “Double Your Sales in 30 Days”. Focus on outcomes and results, not features. The headline should give readers a reason to read the subheading and body content to learn more.

Use Power Words

Incorporate power words and phrases like “secrets revealed”, “discover”, “revolutionary”, or “breakthrough” that evoke interest and emotion. For example, “Revolutionary Lead Magnets: How We Generated Over $250,000 in 30 Days”. Power words give extra appeal and enticement.

Qualify Your Audience

You can also include a qualifier in the headline to speak directly to your target audience, such as “The Accountant’s Guide to a 6-Figure Sales Funnel” or “How Busy Entrepreneurs Gain an Extra 10 Hours a Week”. This helps ensure only genuinely interested visitors will continue reading.

Keep Testing

Continue optimizing your headline by A/B testing multiple options to determine which ones resonate most with your audience. Subtle wording changes can significantly impact page views and conversion rates. An optimized headline is worth the investment.

In summary, a compelling yet concise headline with a clear benefit or solution statement, active tense, power words, and audience qualifier will capture attention and drive higher lead generation. Continually test and refine your headline for the best results.

Focus on the Benefits

Focusing on the benefits your product or service offers to customers is key for an effective lead generation page. Clearly communicating how you can solve your target audience’s problems or improve their lives will convince them to convert into leads.

Emphasize Time or Money Saved

People want to save time and money. Explain how your product or service can help them do that. For example, state how much time they will save by using your tool or how much money they will save each month by switching to your service. Use specific numbers and statistics to strengthen your claims.

Highlight Key Features and Functions

Discuss the most useful and compelling features your product or service offers. Explain how each feature benefits the customer and improves their experience. For example, mention a dashboard that provides an overview of key metrics, automated reports that save hours of work, customized integrations that streamline workflows, or predictive analytics that enable smarter decisions.

Share Customer Success Stories

Sharing stories of how you have helped other customers achieve success and transformation is a powerful way to demonstrate your benefits. For example, describe a case study of a customer who achieved 40% cost savings or doubled their leads in 3 months after using your solution. However, only highlight measurable results and outcomes, not just general praise or recommendations.

Call the Customer to Action

After clearly articulating your benefits, give the customer a strong call to action so they can take the next step. For example, ask them to sign up for a free trial, request a demo, download an ebook or pricing guide, or subscribe to a newsletter. The CTA should match what you want the lead to do after visiting your page.

An effective lead generation page focuses on showing, not just telling, how your business can benefit your customers. Clearly communicating specific benefits, features, success stories and calls-to-action will convince visitors your solution is worth their time and encourage them to convert into high-quality leads.

Use Social Proof

To generate more leads with your landing page, utilize social proof. This is the concept that people determine how to behave in a situation based on how others have behaved in a similar situation. When visitors see social proof on your page, it builds trust and credibility, making them more likely to convert.

Customer testimonials and reviews

Publish 3 to 5 customer reviews or testimonials on your page. Keep them short, around 2 sentences. Mention the customer’s name, title and company. Photos are optional but can be impactful. These build trust by showing real people have used your product or service with success.

Media mentions

If your company or product has been featured in the media, include excerpts and logos on your page. Respected media publications lend authority and third-party validation.

Case studies

Publish 1 to 2 paragraph case studies highlighting how customers found success with your offering. Explain their challenge, solution and results. Case studies are persuasive because visitors can relate to a similar situation.

Subscriber or customer counts

Publicize how many customers, subscribers or users you have. For example, “Join over 50,000 happy customers.” Large numbers signal you have gained popularity and acceptance. But only share truthful figures that can be substantiated.


Featuring well-known partners, influencers or brands you work with builds instant credibility through association. Logos, quotes and testimonials from partners are impactful on a landing page. But only partner with reputable companies that are a great fit for your audience and brand.

Implementing these social proof elements on your lead generation landing pages will significantly boost your conversion rates by reassuring visitors and mitigating perceptions of risk. The more people see others using and endorsing your offering, the more inclined they will be to become a customer themselves.

Include a Clear Call-to-Action

A clear call-to-action (CTA) is essential for converting visitors into leads on your landing page. Tell your readers exactly what you want them to do next in a prominent button or link.

Make the CTA prominent

Place your CTA front and center on the page where visitors can easily see it. Use a large button, eye-catching color, and bold text to make it stand out. The CTA should be one of the first things visitors notice when the page loads.

Be concise and specific

State exactly what will happen when the visitor clicks the CTA. For example, use “Sign Up Now”, “Get Started”, or “Download the Guide” rather than something generic like “Submit” or “Click Here”. A specific CTA helps visitors understand the action and what they will gain.

Highlight the benefits

Explain how the visitor will benefit or what value they will receive from clicking the CTA. For example, “Sign Up Now to Get 10% Off Your First Purchase” or “Download the Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research to Improve your SEO”. Highlighting the key benefits and incentives encourages visitors to convert.

Make it easy to find

Place your CTA in an easy to find location, such as center page or in the top right. Don’t bury it at the very bottom of the page where visitors may not scroll. Repeat the CTA or include secondary CTAs at the bottom of longer pages so visitors have multiple opportunities to click.


Ensure your CTA works on all devices, especially mobile phones. Use a large tap target and keep CTAs above the fold so visitors don’t have to scroll to find them. Mobile-optimized CTAs lead to higher conversion rates.

Following these best practices for creating an effective call-to-action can significantly impact your landing page’s conversion rates and lead generation. Place a prominent, concise, benefit-focused CTA in an easy to find spot on your page and optimize for mobile to turn more visitors into leads.

Use High-Quality Visuals
Use High-Quality Visuals

Use High-Quality Visuals

High-quality visuals are essential for an effective lead generation page. Visuals should aim to captivate visitors, convey your key messages, and inspire action.

Use Professional Photography

Stock photos can seem generic and staged. Use original photography with high resolution images of your product or service in action. Show real people using or engaging with what you offer. This helps to build an emotional connection and shows how your offering fits into people's lives.

Include Videos

Short videos, such as a product demo or customer testimonial, can be very compelling. Keep videos under 2 minutes in length and make sure any sound is muted until a visitor clicks to activate it. Videos bring your page to life and are useful for educating visitors or addressing common questions.

Use Infographics

Infographics are a visually appealing way to convey statistics, comparisons, timelines, or processes. They make information easy to digest at a glance. Include facts and data that will resonate with your target audience. For example, show how much time or money your offering can save customers.

Include Graphic Icons

Icons, illustrations and graphics help to break up blocks of text and draw the eye down the page. Use them to represent steps in a process or the key benefits and features of your offering. Look for icon sets that match your brand style and theme.

Optimize Images

All visuals should be high quality but also optimized for fast loading. Compress images to reduce file size without compromising quality. Use alt text for images to improve search engine optimization. The alt text should briefly describe the image content and your key message or call to action.

Follow these tips to make your lead generation page visually stunning and impactful. High-quality, optimized visuals paired with a compelling value proposition will capture attention, build trust and inspire action from your visitors.

Keep Your Content Concise

To effectively generate leads, keep your landing page content concise and scannable. Readers have short attention spans, so avoid overly long paragraphs and complex sentences. Get to the point quickly while still being descriptive.

Use Bulleted Lists

  • Keep important points in bulleted or numbered lists.
  • Break up long lists into sections to make them easier to read.
  • Lists allow readers to scan the page and find key information fast.

Write in Active Voice

Using an active voice helps to keep your writing concise while maintaining a professional tone. For example, say "We provide innovative solutions" rather than "Innovative solutions are provided by us." Active voice is more compelling and helps to give your content energy and clarity.

Headings and Subheadings

Include headings and subheadings to visually break up your content into sections. This makes your page easy to navigate and helps readers find the information they need quickly. Headings should be concise but descriptive. For example:

How We Help Businesses Grow

Innovative Solutions

Custom Campaigns

Avoid Repetition

Do not repeat yourself or include redundant information. Readers will become bored and frustrated. Focus on presenting new ideas, advice and value with each sentence and section. Remove or reword any repetitive or wordy content.

Include Relevant Visuals

Visuals like images, graphics, charts and video help to demonstrate your key points visually. They also give readers an opportunity to scan the page and still get the gist of your content. However, do not include so many visuals that they distract from your written content. Only include visuals that are directly relevant and valuable to readers.

By following these guidelines, you can craft a concise yet compelling landing page that effectively converts visitors into valuable leads. Keep your content focused and scannable, and readers will stay engaged.

Use Trust Signals

To build trust and credibility on your lead generation landing page, include elements that signal expertise and authority to visitors. These “trust signals” reassure visitors that you are a reputable company offering a quality product or service.

Customer testimonials

Feature quotes from satisfied customers discussing their positive experiences with your company. Testimonials from reputable companies or public figures in your industry are especially impactful. Include a photo of the customer, their name, title and company to lend authenticity.

Media mentions

If your company or product has been featured in reputable media publications, include their logos on your page. You can also add a “As Seen In” section with screenshots or snippets of media coverage. This leverages the authority and credibility of the media organizations to build trust in your brand.

Certifications and awards

Highlight any industry certifications, accreditations or awards your company has earned. For example, include badges or logos from the Better Business Bureau, Google Partner Program or other well-known organizations. List any “best of” awards or other recognition you have received.

Team bios

Introducing the people behind your company, especially leadership and customer service teams, makes you appear more transparent and trustworthy. Share professional headshots, names, titles and 2-3 sentence bios for key team members. Keep bios concise but highlight relevant experience, credentials and expertise.

Secure payment icons

Display icons for secure payment methods you accept, like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, etc. This signals to visitors that you have a trusted and reliable payment system in place to handle their transactions securely.

Privacy policy and terms of service

Link to your privacy policy and terms of service at the bottom of the page. While fewer visitors may click through to read the full policies, simply having this information prominently displayed establishes your commitment to transparency and consumer protection.

Using several of these trust signals on your landing page, especially in combination, can have a significant impact on your credibility and conversion rates. Be sure to keep all elements up-to-date to maintain an authoritative and trustworthy impression.

FAQs About Lead Generation Page Design Made by Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform's drag and drop website builder makes it simple to design an effective lead generation page. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about building a lead gen page with our tool.

What elements should I include on my lead generation page?

The most important elements to include on a lead generation page are:

  • A clear headline that grabs attention and conveys your key benefit or offer
  • Brief, bulleted copy that highlights key features and benefits
  • A form for visitors to input their contact information in exchange for your offer
  • Social proof like testimonials, logos, or media mentions to build trust
  • A clear call-to-action button like “Sign Up Now” or “Get Started for Free” that visitors can click to take action

How can I optimize my page for conversions?

Several best practices can help optimize your lead generation page for the highest conversion rate:

  • Place your form prominently above the fold so visitors see it immediately
  • Keep your form short, with only fields necessary to fulfill your offer
  • Offer a valuable incentive like an ebook, coupon, or free trial in exchange for a sign-up
  • Include security badges to reassure visitors their data is safe
  • Use contrasting colors for your call-to-action buttons so they stand out
  • Remove any links or ads that could distract visitors from the conversion goal

What integrations does Unicorn Platform offer for lead generation?

Unicorn Platform offers native integrations with leading email marketing, CRM, and marketing automation tools like Mailchimp, HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, and more. These integrations allow you to automatically pass lead data from sign-up forms on your website into the tools you use to manage contacts and nurture leads.

By following best practices and leveraging the right integrations, you can create high-converting lead generation pages that help you attract more contacts and turn leads into customers. Let us know if you have any other questions!


As you have seen, there are several secrets to designing an effective lead generation landing page. By focusing on a clear call-to-action, simplifying your layout, highlighting social proof, including engaging visuals and multimedia, optimizing for mobile, keeping your content scannable, and A/B testing different versions, you can create a landing page that converts visitors into leads and customers. Implement these best practices and continue optimizing based on data to build your email list, drive more demos and trials, increase sales, and grow your business through inbound marketing. With the right landing page, you'll generate more high-quality leads and accelerate your company's success.

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