7 Best SaaS Landing Page Examples to Boost Your Conversion

published on 15 June 2023

As a SaaS company, your landing page is the first impression visitors have of your product. It can make or break your ability to gain new customers and boost revenue. An effective SaaS landing page highlights the key benefits of your software and convinces visitors to sign up for a free trial or purchase a subscription. However, with so many elements to consider like copy, design, and flow, creating a high-converting landing page is easier said than done. In this article, you'll discover eight best-in-class SaaS landing page examples to inspire your own creation. By analyzing what these top companies are doing right, you'll be equipped to build a landing page that fuels your business growth.

A SaaS landing page is designed to promote or sell your software online

To effectively promote and sell your SaaS product online, you need an optimized landing page. A SaaS landing page is designed specifically to convert visitors into customers by highlighting the key features and benefits of your software. Creating an impactful SaaS landing page requires focus and strategic thinking.

When designing your SaaS landing page, start by identifying your target audience and customer personas. Outline their key challenges and how your product solves them. Focus on the most valuable features and quantifiable benefits to your customers. Use persuasive copy and eye-catching visuals to capture interest immediately.

An effective SaaS landing page typically includes:

  • A bold headline highlighting your product’s primary benefit. For example, “The only project management tool your team will ever need.”
  • Bullet points highlighting key features and benefits. For example:

› Intuitive interface for fast onboarding

› Customizable workflows to match your process

› Real-time reports and analytics to optimize productivity

  • Social proof like customer testimonials, case studies, or customer logos to build trust. For example, “Over 5,000 innovative teams worldwide use [Software Name] to stay aligned and accountable.”
  • A clear call-to-action like “Start Your Free Trial” or “Request a Demo” so visitors can easily take the next step.
  • Minimal navigation and a singular focus to avoid distraction. Remove links to your blog, about page, pricing, etc.

By following these best practices, you can create a SaaS landing page that boosts your conversion rates and accelerates your sales cycle. Continually test and optimize your page using tools like Google Analytics and user feedback to maximize its impact over time.

Monday.com's Minimal and Functional SaaS Landing Page

To create an effective SaaS landing page, you must focus on clarity, simplicity, and functionality. A prime example is Monday.com’s minimal yet functional landing page.

Monday.com is a popular project management software. Their landing page immediately greets visitors with a simple yet eye-catching header highlighting their product’s key features including task management, resource planning, and workflow automation.

Below the header, three columns outline the product’s main benefits: “Organize your work,” “Plan and schedule everything,” and “Get work done.” Each column includes a brief description and an image to visually represent the associated benefit. This content is concise yet compelling, with an average of just 2 short sentences in each column.

Further down the page, a video provides an quick product overview and demo for those interested in seeing the software in action. The remaining page space focuses on social proof including logos of well-known Monday.com clients and a few short testimonials from happy customers.

Finally, a prominent call-to-action button invites visitors to “Start a free trial.” This simple yet strategic landing page design helps visitors quickly understand Monday.com’s key use cases and benefits. The minimal amount of content and ample use of visuals make the page easy to digest while still effectively selling the product. Overall, Monday.com’s landing page is a stellar example of a simple yet high-converting SaaS landing page.

Slack's Friendly and Engaging SaaS Landing Page
Slack's Friendly and Engaging SaaS Landing Page

Slack's Friendly and Engaging SaaS Landing Page

To effectively convert visitors into customers, your SaaS landing page should be friendly, engaging, and convey the key benefits of your product. A great example is Slack’s landing page.

A Clean, Uncluttered Design

Slack’s landing page features a simple yet modern design with plenty of white space. The page is uncluttered, with a clear headline, subheadline, and bullet points highlighting Slack’s main features and benefits. The minimalist design makes the page easy to navigate and focuses the visitor’s attention on the most important information.

Eye-Catching Visuals

Slack’s landing page incorporates colorful, whimsical illustrations to bring their product to life. The visuals give visitors a sense of Slack’s brand personality and the experience of using the product. They also make the page more visually compelling, which can increase engagement and time spent on the page.

Benefit-Focused Copy

The copy on Slack’s landing page focuses on the key benefits of the product for the customer. Phrases like “Be less busy”, “Bring your team together”, and “Get more done” speak to the productivity and efficiency gains that customers can achieve with Slack. The copy is written in a friendly, conversational tone to resonate with visitors.

Clear Call-to-Action

A prominent call-to-action button invites visitors to “Sign up for Slack, it’s free!”. The CTA button is hard to miss, with a bright color and large font size. When visitors click the CTA, they are taken directly to a signup form to convert them into new Slack users.

In summary, Slack’s landing page is an excellent example of an engaging SaaS landing page. The simple yet modern design, visuals, benefit-focused copy, and clear call-to-action work together to effectively communicate the value of Slack to visitors and drive conversions. Using similar strategies and optimizing your landing page can significantly impact your ability to gain new customers.

Dropbox's Clean and Uncluttered SaaS Landing Page

To effectively convert visitors into customers, your SaaS landing page should clearly articulate your product’s value proposition while maintaining a clean and uncluttered design. Dropbox, the popular file hosting service, excels at this.

A Simple Yet Compelling Headline

Dropbox’s landing page features a straightforward yet compelling headline: “Dropbox is the world's first smart workspace.” This clearly conveys what Dropbox offers—an intelligent platform for easily accessing and sharing files across devices.

A Benefit-Focused Subheading

The subheading, “One place for all your files,” further reinforces the key benefit of simplicity that Dropbox provides. This benefit-focused messaging is key for resonating with potential customers.

Visuals That Showcase the Product

Dropbox lets its product shine through large, prominent images showing the desktop, mobile, and web interfaces. These visuals give visitors a quick sense of what the product experience will be like and how easy Dropbox makes accessing files across platforms.

Minimal Copy with a Clear CTA

While the copy is concise, it highlights additional benefits around security, collaboration, and integrations. A prominent call-to-action button, “Sign up for free,” makes it easy for visitors to take the next step.

Testimonials for Social Proof

A few short testimonials from reputable publications like Forbes, TechCrunch and Wired provide social proof of Dropbox’s credibility and value. Quotes like “Dropbox is a lifesaver!” demonstrate how much customers love the product.

Additional Details in a FAQ Section

For visitors wanting more details, a “Frequently Asked Questions” section on the page provides additional information on pricing, storage, security, and more without cluttering the overall minimal design.

In summary, Dropbox’s landing page is a stellar example of a simple yet persuasive SaaS website. By articulating a clear value proposition, highlighting benefits, and maintaining an uncluttered design, the page makes a compelling case for why visitors should become Dropbox customers.

Mailchimp's Creative and Colorful SaaS Landing Page

To boost your SaaS conversion rates, it is prudent to analyze examples of effective landing pages. One such example is Mailchimp’s creative and colorful landing page.

Simple and Scannable Page Layout

Mailchimp’s landing page features a simple and scannable layout with clear headings, bulleted lists, and numbered steps. This makes the page easy to navigate and comprehend. The page is also highly visual, utilizing engaging graphics, videos, and photos to capture attention and convey key selling points.

Benefit-Focused Copy

The copy on Mailchimp’s landing page focuses on the benefits of using their email marketing software. Phrases like “powerful features”, “automate your marketing”, and “save time” are used to highlight how Mailchimp can help businesses. The page also outlines several use cases to demonstrate Mailchimp’s versatility.

Free Trial and Pricing Transparency

Mailchimp offers a free trial of their software right on their landing page. This allows potential customers to experience the product before committing to a paid plan. Mailchimp also clearly displays their pricing tiers, building trust through transparency. The pricing is affordable for small businesses, with options to upgrade as a company grows.

Social Proof and Testimonials

Mailchimp’s landing page incorporates social proof and testimonials from well-known companies that use their software. This instills confidence in potential customers by demonstrating Mailchimp’s credibility and reliability. Customer reviews and case studies provide further social validation.

Clear Call-to-Action

The page has a prominent call-to-action button - “Start For Free” - making it easy for visitors to begin their free trial. Secondary call-to-action buttons for scheduling a demo, viewing plans and pricing, and signing up are also present. The multiple call-to-actions give visitors options to engage with the brand in the way they prefer.

In summary, Mailchimp’s creative and colorful landing page utilizes several effective techniques to capture interest and drive conversions. The simple yet vibrant design, benefit-focused copy, free trial, transparent pricing, social proof, and clear call-to-actions all work together to create an impactful SaaS landing page.

Zenefits' Benefit-Focused SaaS Landing Page

To effectively convert visitors into customers, your SaaS landing page should focus on the key benefits and solutions your product offers. A stellar example is Zenefits’ benefit-focused landing page.

Emphasize Solutions and Benefits

Zenefits’ landing page immediately highlights the key benefits of their human resources software, emphasizing how it can “Simplify HR, payroll, benefits, and compliance in one place.” The page outlines the major solutions and advantages of the platform, including:

  • Streamlining HR processes like onboarding, payroll, and benefits management.
  • Providing compliance resources to avoid legal issues.
  • Offering comprehensive yet easy-to-use software for managing a business.

Use Visuals to Reinforce Key Points

Zenefits reinforces these benefits through visuals like icons representing different features, images of the dashboard and software interface, and a short video overview. These visual elements demonstrate the functionality and user experience in an engaging way.

Share Customer Success Stories

Zenefits also includes customer testimonials discussing cost savings, time efficiencies, and increased productivity. These social proofs from real clients build credibility and help visitors envision the potential impact on their own business.

Offer a Free Trial

Finally, Zenefits offers visitors a free 14-day trial of their software. This allows potential customers to experience the benefits and solutions firsthand before committing to a paid subscription. The free trial, combined with a strong focus on solutions and social proof, creates a compelling case for why visitors should choose Zenefits.

In summary, Zenefits’ landing page is an excellent example of how emphasizing solutions, benefits, visuals, social proof, and a free trial can create an effective SaaS landing page optimized for high conversion rates. By clearly outlining how your software can solve key business problems, you make a persuasive argument for why visitors should become customers.

Shopify's Elegant One-Page SaaS Landing Page
Shopify's Elegant One-Page SaaS Landing Page

Shopify's Elegant One-Page SaaS Landing Page

To effectively convert visitors into customers, SaaS companies must have an optimized landing page. Shopify, a leading ecommerce platform, has an elegant one-page SaaS landing page that demonstrates several best practices:

Clear Value Proposition

Shopify's landing page prominently features its value proposition: "Start your own business. Sell anywhere." This succinctly conveys the key benefits of the product to visitors.

Compelling Visuals

The page incorporates high-quality images of the Shopify dashboard and storefronts powered by Shopify. These visuals give visitors a preview of the product experience and help them envision using the platform for their own business.

Social Proof

Near the top of the page, Shopify displays logos of major brands that use its platform, like Tesla, Red Bull, and Nestle. This social proof builds credibility and trust in the product.

Clear Call-to-Action

The primary call-to-action, "Start free trial," is prominently featured at the top right of the page. This makes it easy for visitors to take the next step to try the product.

Minimal Distractions

The page has a clean, uncluttered design with minimal links and buttons other than the call-to-action. This helps focus visitors' attention on the key selling points of the product.

Responsive Design

The page has a responsive design that displays well on any device. This ensures a good experience for visitors accessing the page on mobile or tablet.

In summary, Shopify's landing page is an excellent example for SaaS companies. By clearly conveying the product's value, incorporating visuals, building credibility, highlighting a strong call-to-action, minimizing distractions, and using a responsive design, the page is optimized to effectively convert visitors into trial users and paying customers.

Unbounce's Dynamic and Interactive SaaS Landing Page

To boost your SaaS conversion rates, analyze Unbounce’s interactive landing page. Unbounce is a popular landing page builder, so they are experts at creating high-converting pages. Their own SaaS landing page demonstrates several effective techniques:

A Benefit-Focused Headline

The headline “Build, Publish and Optimize Landing Pages Without I.T.” prominently conveys the key benefit of their product to visitors. This benefit-focused headline is more compelling than a generic product statement.

Engaging Visuals

Unbounce’s page incorporates engaging visuals, like an animated explainer video, screenshots of their intuitive drag-and-drop editor, and customer testimonials with headshots. These visual elements capture attention and help visitors quickly understand Unbounce’s value proposition.

Social Proof

Unbounce’s testimonials, case studies, and brand logos of well-known companies who use their software establish credibility and social proof. Seeing that other reputable companies trust Unbounce reassures visitors and builds confidence in the product.

Clear Call-to-Action

A prominent call-to-action button invites visitors to “Start Your Free 14-Day Trial.” This clear CTA makes it easy for interested visitors to take the next step. The free trial allows potential customers to experience Unbounce’s value firsthand.

Responsive Design

Unbounce’s landing page employs a responsive design so it displays well on any device. Since visitors access landing pages on both desktop and mobile, a responsive design is essential for a high-converting page.

By analyzing examples from leaders in your industry, you can determine the elements most likely to resonate with your target audience and boost your own SaaS landing page conversion rates. Focus on a benefit-driven headline, engaging visuals, social proof, a clear call-to-action, and a responsive design. With testing and optimization, you'll achieve a high-performing landing page.

How to create your own SaaS Landing Page with Unicorn Platform

To create an effective SaaS landing page with the Unicorn Platform, there are several key steps to follow:

Select a Template

The Unicorn Platform offers many professionally-designed templates to choose from. Select one that aligns with your brand and the specific goals of your landing page. Some options include:

  • Product showcase - Highlights features and benefits of your software.
  • Lead generation - Focuses on capturing contact information in exchange for a content offer like a free trial or demo.
  • Coming soon - Builds excitement for a new product launch.

Customize the Content

You can easily modify the template using the Unicorn Platform’s AI-powered editing capabilities. Add details about your software, pricing, customer stories, and more. Use the AI-generated dynamic content feature to automatically create pricing tables, customer reviews, feature lists, and FAQs. Then, review and tweak as needed.

Optimize for Conversions

A good SaaS landing page is optimized to convert visitors into leads or customers. Some key optimization techniques include:

  1. A clear headline and subheadline that conveys your key benefit.
  2. Compelling copy that speaks to your target customer’s needs and pain points.
  3. High-quality visuals like product screenshots, customer photos, explainer videos.
  4. A prominent call-to-action like “Start Your Free Trial” or “Request a Demo.”
  5. Social proof in the form of customer reviews, testimonials, or case studies.
  6. A simple, uncluttered design with plenty of white space.

Translate and Test

Use the Unicorn Platform’s AI translation feature to make your landing page available in multiple languages to reach more potential customers. Then, test different versions of your page to optimize conversion rates. Try different headlines, copy, CTAs, and layouts to see what resonates most with your audience.

With some time and testing, you can create a high-converting SaaS landing page using the Unicorn Platform. Keep optimizing and improving your page over time based on key metrics like conversion rates, bounce rates, and customer feedback. An effective landing page is a continual work in progress.


In conclusion, a well-designed SaaS landing page is essential to boosting your conversion rates and sales. By following the examples of successful companies highlighted in this article, you can craft an effective landing page for your software business. Keep your message clear and concise, focus on the key benefits and features, include social proof and testimonials, and make it easy for visitors to sign up for a free trial or purchase. With some time and testing, you'll be well on your way to creating a high-converting SaaS landing page and growing your customer base. The possibilities for innovation and success are endless if you get the fundamentals right.

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