5 Unique Pre-Launch Landing Page Examples to Follow

updated on 18 September 2024

As an entrepreneur preparing to launch a new product or service, you understand the importance of generating interest and buzz ahead of your official launch date. Creating an effective pre-launch landing page is one of the best ways to start building your email list, gain valuable customer insights, and test different messaging and positioning options. In this article, we'll explore five unique pre-launch landing page examples that have achieved stellar results. By analyzing their content, design, and conversion strategies, you'll discover proven best practices to implement on your own pre-launchlanding page. With the right approach, your pre-launch page can be an invaluable tool for ensuring a successful product launch and gaining early traction.

Why You Need a Pre-Launch Landing Page

A pre-launch landing page is essential for generating interest in your upcoming product or service launch. It allows you to build an email list, gain valuable customer insights, and test ideas before the official launch. Below are some of the key benefits of creating a pre-launch landing page:

Collect Emails and Build Your List: A pre-launch page gives visitors a chance to sign up to receive updates about your launch. This helps you build an engaged email list of prospective customers interested in your offering.

Gain Valuable Feedback: You can include surveys, questions, and calls-to-action on your pre-launch page to get input from visitors. Ask them what they like or don’t like about your product concept or marketing messaging. Their feedback will help you make improvements before launch.

Test and Optimize: Try out different headlines, images, copy, or calls-to-action on your pre-launch page and see which ones resonate most with visitors. You can then optimize the page to maximize signups and shares before your official launch.

Build Buzz: A pre-launch page, especially when combined with a countdown timer, creates a sense of urgency and excitement about your upcoming launch. Visitors will be eager to sign up to be the first to access your new product or service. This buzz will give you momentum on launch day.

Make Changes Before It's Live: It's much easier to make adjustments to a pre-launch page versus a live website. You have the opportunity to fix any issues, refine the messaging, and ensure everything is working properly before the actual launch when there will be more traffic and exposure.

In summary, a well-designed pre-launch landing page is a simple but highly effective way to generate interest, gain insights, build your email list, and ensure your official launch is as successful as possible. The examples and best practices provided here can help guide you in creating a pre-launch page that accomplishes all of these goals.


To build an effective pre-launch landing page, focus on a few key best practices.

First, clearly communicate the product or service’s key benefits and value proposition. Explain how it can help solve customers’ problems or meet their needs. For example, DORA is an AI-powered analytics platform that helps organizations identify which change categories and change teams have a high rate of change success. It enables DevOps leaders to increase deployment speed and efficiency by using data models and AI-powered analytics.

Second, collect email addresses and other contact information from visitors. Offer an incentive like a discount, coupon, or early access in exchange for signing up. DORA, for instance, offers a free trial of their platform for those who provide their email.

Third, keep the page simple and focused. Include only the most important information about your offering, with minimal distractions. DORA’s pre-launch page prominently highlights how their AI and analytics can benefit customers, with concise copy and relevant visuals.

Fourth, test different versions of the page to optimize conversion rates. Try different headlines, copy, images, or call-to-action button text and placements. DORA likely tested their pre-launch page to determine the best way to convince visitors to sign up for their free trial.

Finally, drive traffic to the page through social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and other channels. The more people who see your pre-launch page, the more signups and interest you’ll generate. DORA probably employed a mix of marketing strategies to increase visibility of their platform prior to launch.

Following these best practices will help you create an effective pre-launch landing page to build buzz and capture valuable leads for your new product or service. With a compelling value proposition, simple and focused design, lead capture form, A/B testing, and solid marketing, you'll gain the insights and interest needed for a successful launch.



Lottiefiles is a platform offering animated graphics in Lottie, MP4, and GIF formats for web and mobile use. Designers can download animations from Lottiefiles’ library to incorporate into their projects.

For companies planning a product launch, Lottiefiles provides an opportunity to create an engaging pre-launch landing page. By utilizing animated graphics, companies can bring their page to life and capture visitors’ interest. Some best practices for incorporating Lottiefiles animations into a pre-launch landing page include:

  1. Choose animations that align with your brand identity. Select animations with a style, color scheme, and theme that match your company’s brand guidelines. This will make your page feel cohesive and professionally designed.
  2. Use animations to highlight key information. Strategically place animations to draw attention to important details like your product name, launch date, signup form, etc. For example, have an animation slowly reveal your product’s name or animate arrows pointing to your signup form.
  3. Keep animations minimal and avoid distraction. While animations can be an effective way to engage visitors, too many animations will seem cluttered and distract from your key messaging. Limit animations to 2-3 per page and keep them relatively short (3-5 seconds).
  4. Consider interactive animations. Some Lottiefiles animations are interactive, meaning visitors can click or hover over the animation to trigger an effect. Interactive animations are a great way to encourage visitor engagement and make the experience more dynamic. However, be sure not to overuse interactive animations, as they can become gimmicky.
  5. Test and optimize. Once your pre-launch landing page is live, analyze how visitors are interacting with the page and make changes as needed. Look at metrics like time on page, conversion rate, and animation click-through rate to determine what’s working and what could be improved. Make adjustments to create an optimal experience for your visitors.

By following these best practices, companies can develop a pre-launch landing page with Lottiefiles animations that effectively generates interest in their upcoming product launch. Strategic use of animations will create an engaging experience for visitors and encourage them to sign up to receive additional details about the launch.


Meander’s Pre-Launch Landing Page

Meander created an effective pre-launch landing page to generate interest in their customer data analytics platform prior to its official release. The page outlines the key features and benefits of the product to capture email signups and gain valuable customer insights.

Meander’s pre-launch page prominently displays the product name and tagline at the top to make a strong first impression. A brief paragraph describes Meander as a solution to help businesses leverage customer data through call tracking, customer retention tools, and sales process optimization.

The page highlights three main features of the platform using numbered lists for easy comprehension:

  1. Call Tracking - Track inbound and outbound calls to gain data on call volume, duration, and source. Identify which marketing channels are driving the most calls.
  2. Customer Retention - Use data to determine which customers are at the highest risk of churn. Send targeted communications to retain valuable customers.
  3. Sales Optimization - Analyze data to improve the sales process, determine the most effective sales reps, and identify opportunities to cross-sell or upsell to customers.

A sign-up form below the features allows visitors to enter their email address to get notified when Meander officially launches. This form serves the dual purpose of building Meander’s email list and gaging interest in the new product.

Meander’s pre-launch landing page is a stellar example of an effective pre-launch strategy. The page succinctly describes the key benefits of the product and includes a clear call-to-action to capture email signups. The simple yet compelling design and copy create excitement for the upcoming launch while providing value to prospective customers. Following Meander’s lead, brands can build buzz, gain actionable insights, and prime the market for a successful product launch.


Moda is a platform that offers a free landing page builder for email marketing. You can easily create unlimited landing pages using the platform's drag-and-drop design elements that fit your marketing needs.

Simple Yet Customizable Templates

Moda provides professionally designed templates to choose from, all of which are mobile-responsive and optimized for email capture. The templates offer a simple yet sleek design so you can customize the page to match your brand. You have the flexibility to change fonts, colors, images, and content to create a seamless experience for your visitors.

Easy to Use With No Coding Required

Creating a pre-launch landing page with Moda requires no technical or coding skills. The intuitive drag-and-drop builder makes it easy to add and edit sections like:

  1. Eye-catching headers and subheaders
  2. Engaging hero images and videos
  3. Benefit-focused bullet points and paragraphs
  4. Social proof elements like logos, testimonials, and customer stories
  5. Clear calls-to-action to capture emails and build your list

Integrations With Popular Email Marketing and Analytics Tools

Moda integrates directly with email service providers like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, and ActiveCampaign. This allows you to automatically sync your email lists and see analytics for your landing pages all in one place. You can also connect Moda to Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into how visitors are interacting with your page.

Affordable and Scalable

While the core landing page builder is free to use, Moda offers affordable paid plans for businesses that need more advanced features and white label options. The platform is built to scale with your needs, whether you have a single landing page or 100+ pages. Moda aims to provide an easy-to-use solution for small businesses and marketing agencies alike.

In summary, Moda is an intuitive yet powerful landing page builder with useful features for creating an effective pre-launch page. The simple drag-and-drop editor, customizable templates, and integrations with popular third-party tools make it easy to build a landing page that captures emails and generates buzz for your upcoming product launch.



Ripe is an AI-powered customer support platform that offers chatbot and automation solutions. Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, Ripe provides next-generation chatbot technology to improve customer experiences.

Chatbot Solutions

Ripe’s chatbots can handle common customer queries and requests via messaging apps, SMS, voice assistants, and web chat. They understand natural language and get smarter over time by learning from every interaction. Ripe offers:

  • FAQ bots: Answer frequently asked questions. Reduce call volume by up to 50%.
  • Transactional bots: Complete simple transactions like order status checks, refunds, etc. Handle 20-30% of all customer contacts.
  • Hybrid bots: Seamlessly escalate complex inquiries to human agents. Resolve 50-70% of all contacts without human involvement.

Benefits of Ripe’s Chatbots

  1. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Quickly resolve common issues 24/7 and reduce wait times.
  2. Cost Savings: Decrease call volume and increase self-service. Lower operational costs by up to 30%.
  3. Increased Efficiency: Free up agents to focus on high-value tasks. Reduce average handle time by up to 50%.
  4. Valuable Insights: Gain data into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points to improve products and services.

Getting Started with Ripe

Ripe offers a customized approach based on your business needs and customer base. Their team of experts will help you:

  • Identify use cases for automation and the best channels for your chatbots
  • Build, test and deploy AI-powered chatbots to suit your needs
  • Provide ongoing optimization to improve the customer experience over time
  • Analyze chatbot data and insights to enhance your customer support strategy

With innovative technology and a tailored approach, Ripe helps companies transform their customer support through the power of AI and automation. By implementing Ripe’s chatbot solutions, you can slash costs, boost satisfaction, and gain valuable data to fuel business growth.

Brand launch examples

Brand launch examples are a fascinating study in marketing and strategy. Successful brand launch examples demonstrate the importance of a well-thought-out launch strategy that increases brand awareness and impacts a company's bottom line. For instance, PepsiCo's EVOLVE launch is an excellent example of leveraging brand values and environmental commitment in their product packaging, showing a deep understanding of market preferences. Similarly, The Ordinary's AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution launch exemplifies the power of social media, where a viral TikTok video significantly boosted their sales. Another great example is Garnier's Whole Blends Shampoo Bar, highlighting the shift towards eco-friendly products and the role of influencer marketing.

In terms of strategy, brand launch examples like Robinhood's commission-free stock-trading service show the effectiveness of creating anticipation and leveraging referral systems pre-launch. Yotpo's approach in their post-launch phase, focusing on customer training and engagement, reveals the importance of user experience in retaining customers. Meanwhile, Cash App's strategy of cross-selling a complementary product to existing users underscores the value of understanding and leveraging existing customer bases for new product launches.

These brand launch examples, and many others, offer a wealth of insights into the critical stages of product launches - pre-launch, launch, and post-launch, and the diverse strategies companies can employ to ensure success. From creating initial buzz to ensuring continued engagement post-launch, each of these examples provides a unique perspective on how to effectively introduce a new brand or product into the market

Best Practices to Follow in Pre-Launch Landing Page Building

To build an effective pre-launch landing page that captivates and converts, consider these enhanced best practices:

Offer a Lead Magnet or Freebie in Exchange for an Email

Entice visitors on your pre-launch landing page with an irresistible lead magnet or freebie. This could range from a discount code or early bird special to a sneak peek ebook, exclusive video content, or a detailed checklist. The trick is to align the lead magnet closely with your upcoming product, ensuring it offers tangible value to your audience.

Include Social Proof From Influencers

Leverage the power of social validation on your pre-launch landing page. Incorporate testimonials, endorsements, or quotes from influencers and industry experts. Showcasing media logos or coverage can also amplify trust and authenticity. This strategy not only elevates your brand’s credibility but also connects emotionally with your audience.

Keep the Page Simple and Focused

Your pre-launch landing page should embody clarity and purpose. Distill your message to its essence, and design a visually appealing yet uncomplicated layout. Utilize compelling imagery, succinct copy, and engaging videos to narrate your product’s story. This approach should emphasize the core value proposition, enticing visitors to join your journey.

Build Scarcity and Urgency

Inject a sense of exclusivity and immediacy into your pre-launch landing page. Use strategies like limited-time offers, countdown timers, or a cap on pre-launch sign-ups. These elements create a psychological impetus, nudging potential customers towards immediate action and reducing procrastination.

Promote the Page and Drive Traffic

Propel your pre-launch landing page into the limelight. Utilize a mix of organic and paid channels – from social media buzz and influencer collaborations to targeted ads and email campaigns. Consider engaging storytelling in your content marketing efforts, which can range from blog posts to podcasts, highlighting the unique aspects of your upcoming launch.

Engage and Interact with Visitors

On your pre-launch landing page, open channels for interaction. Whether through live chat, forums, or social media integration, make it easy for visitors to ask questions and share their excitement. This not only fosters a community around your launch but also provides valuable insights into customer expectations and feedback.

Test and Optimize Regularly

Continually refine your pre-launch landing page. Use A/B testing to trial different elements - from headlines to call-to-actions. Analyze visitor behavior through heat maps and analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t. Regular optimization ensures your landing page remains dynamic and effective.

Embracing these best practices will turn your pre-launch landing page into a vibrant hub of anticipation and engagement, paving the way for a successful product launch. Remember, your pre-launch page is more than a placeholder – it's the first chapter in your product's story, so make it compelling!

Keep Your Page Simple and Focused - Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder
Keep Your Page Simple and Focused - Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder

Keep Your Page Simple and Focused - Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder

To keep your pre-launch landing page simple and focused, limit the number of elements on the page. The page should have a clear primary call-to-action, typically to join an email list to get notified when the product launches. Any additional content should directly support that goal.

Keep copy concise

Focus your copy on the key benefits and features of your upcoming product or service. Use short sentences and paragraphs to keep things scannable. A good rule of thumb is to limit paragraphs to 3 sentences.

Use visuals strategically

Include images of your product or service to help visitors visualize what you will be offering. For a software product, screenshots or short video clips are helpful. For a physical product, high-quality product photos are best. Only include as many visuals as necessary to support your copy and call-to-action. Too many images can seem cluttered and distract from your message.

Highlight your value proposition

Your value proposition summarizes why your product or service is valuable to customers. It should be prominently featured on the page, either at the top or just below your headline. Some examples of a strong value proposition are:

  • Get 24/7 access to your files from any device.
  • The only all-in-one marketing platform you'll ever need.
  • Organize your life in one simple app.

Keep navigation minimal

On a pre-launch landing page, the only navigation needed is a link to your privacy policy and terms of service. Remove any main navigation links to keep visitors focused on the content and call-to-action.


With more and more web traffic coming from mobile devices, your pre-launch landing page must be fully responsive. All content should be easy to read and interact with on mobile screens. Your call-to-action buttons should also be prominently displayed above the fold on mobile.

Following these best practices will result in a pre-launch landing page that is clean, compelling, and effective at converting visitors into email signups. Keeping things simple and focused is key to success.


In conclusion, creating an effective pre-launch landing page requires careful planning and execution. By following the best practices outlined here and drawing inspiration from innovative examples, you can build momentum and excitement for your upcoming launch. A compelling pre-launch page is a powerful way to start building your audience, gain valuable customer insights, and ensure you have the best product-market fit before launch day. If done well, your pre-launch page can be the key to a successful product launch and help you hit the ground running. The time you invest in crafting your pre-launch strategy and page will pay off once your new offering is live.

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